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Well this is one of my most thought out book. I hope you like it might not be good writing but let's see. Please tell me what you think.
Sonia Zahraoui .

Sophia's Point of View


Well, I have finally realized that my time has come, as the cab driver halts at the curb, in front of sets of stairs.

"Thank you, " I say, handing the cab driver a crisp $20.

I am forced to go, I hop out of the cab. Leaving the warmth of the leather seat, I am then greeted by a blast of misty and cold air, with the wind instantly blowing strands of hair into my mouth. 'Smooth' and I spit them out. Ah New York City, how you love me.

Shutting the car door behind me, I look up at the building that is before me.


White concrete steps leading to a circle of three buildings with white brick, double pillars and wrap around glass windows that stand tall, New York Ballet is a maleficent building to look at.

Taking a breath I pull out of my daze. Coming back from awe of the structure, I realize the cab is already long gone and that there is no turning back, all the rehearsing and practicing is done.

The feeling makes me nervous, I start to feel queasy and clench onto my stomach. Oh no. - 'you better fucking not' I say to myself, before walking up the steps.

While walking across the quad I walk past a giant water fountain, currently being filled with the sprinkles of rain coming from the gray clouds- at least it's not snowing

I reach the giant glass doors and walk into the room, instantly feeling warmth as I enter the room.

Quickly, I take off my coat as it gets too hot, I gather my surroundings and walk up to the front desk, to a woman with a tight bun and bow.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" She smiles at me.

I set the my bag down on the wooden counter, giving my numb arm a rest."I'm looking for where the auditions are being held at? " I ask, giving her a brief smile back.

I look down at the name tag that is against her floral shirt to learn that her name is, Samantha.

She leans onto the desk enough to where she is able to point at the two doors on her left.

"Go through the doors and then there will be arrows that will lead you to where the auditions are and there will be a person you will talk to, do you have your profile?" She leans back.

I nod, "Thank you".

I grab my bag and walk to the doors. When I open the door, instantly I see black arrows going down the hallway. The scent of Sharpies and pine floor cleaner, makes its way into my nose.

My boots clash against the hardwood floor, thudding as I walk. I turn a corner, when the arrows make a left into another hallway. Filled with gray and shadows of droplets fill the hallway as gray light goes through the windows.

My phone beeps. And I pull my phone out of my pocket;

Text Massage:

From: 😇 Katherine

Good luck, Do Not hurt yourself too much if you mess up. Love you.

I knew exactly what she meant by that. The last time I audition it was in San Francisco. I was feeling the wind as I twirled, but then I got sick and tripped over myself, but then instantly got back to dancing. That was so embarrassing that I was mad at myself in thinking that I wasn't going to get in, but luckily enough I got to be one of the chosen ones.

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