Desperate times call for desperate measures

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Henry went back to talk to Edward, Edward was still tucked further into his shed. 

"Edward, I know you're hurt... but, please, talk to me. I'll listen. And I promise from now on we'll all listen whenever you need us to." Henry huffed.

"Just leave me alone." Edward groaned.

"Will you talk to anyone?" Henry asked, "You can't keep this all inside. You know how bad that is to do."

Edward looked down at his buffers; secretly, he knew Henry was right.

"I don't know what's wrong with me..." He whispered. "I don't know why this happened."

"When did it start?" Henry asked, hoping that he would make some progress.

"I don't really know. I think about six months ago..." Edward said.

"What do you remember happening?"

"I just... I just suddenly found nothing to be fun... everything is just a job to me anymore. I'm numb. I don't feel anything anymore." Edward sighed.

"So, you've just lost interest in everything?"

"To be honest, yes." Edward replied. "I never have the energy to do anything. I can't do much. I get tired just getting up in the morning."

"You need to get help. Professional help." Henry huffed.

"I don't want to." Edward grumbled.

"It doesn't matter. If you want to get better, you have to." Henry replied.

Edward was about to say another word, but Henry had already left.

Meanwhile, the other engines were talking to Boco about Edward's behavior.

"So, Edward's behavior has changed, in a bad way?" He asked.

"To put it simply, yes." Replied James. "If this keeps up, he'll give our railway and island a bad name for crying out loud!"

Just then, Henry came back.

"So Henry, did you find out what happened between you and Edward?" Gordon asked.

"Yes, and there's something else, too..."

Henry then explained to the other engines about Edward's behavior, they were still worried about him. They didn't know what might happen in the future. They'd like to think that he would get better, but they couldn't say for certain that that would happen.

The mood was different for everyone. It felt weird not having Edward around like normal. It had gotten so bad, that they told Sir Topham Hatt about it, and had a suggestion.

A week had gone by, and the engines met up at Wellsworth Sheds to find Edward.

"Edward, we've been thinking about some things... and we all think you should get some help." Henry was the one who started the conversation.

""I'm fine. I don't need help. I can deal with it by myself." Edward muttered.

"You can't, though." Huffed James. "We all can see that."

"I'm not getting help. You can't make me." Edward said firmly.

"But I can!" Boomed a voice, it was Sir Topham Hatt!

Edward stood in his place, as Sir Topham Hatt had some stern words with him.

"Edward, My engines and I have decided that it's best you take a break from this stress. Until you get help and get cleared from these problems, I have no choice but to demote you from branch line duty."

Edward was shocked!


"Yes Edward, I do. I am taking your branch line away, until you get help and get cleared from your problems."

Edward was speechless! 


"That's quite enough, Edward! If I hear one more word out that mouth of yours, I'll have to lock you in your shed for a whole month. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Y-yes, Sir." Edward whimpered.

"Good; starting tomorrow, you will be shunting cars in the yards. After that, you will be put on garbage duty with Whiff and Scruff."

Sir Topham Hatt walked sternly away. The engines were also silent, they have never seen Edward be scolded by Sir Topham Hatt before! Edward glared at the other engines, and did the unthinkable...


Edward slammed his shed doors, and it nearly caused the ground to shake. The engines were speechless, they had never seen Edward that angry before.

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