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Ari was in the kitchen with me wearing nothing but panties and we was makin breakfast

"Look at all these hickeys" she said

"Rodney" Kel said walking through the door "oh shit you cooking"

Ari got behind me and i laughed "wassup" i said to him

Ari moved me to hide from him "is that ari?" He asked

I nodded "she's not dressed"

"I'll get her sum" he said

He went in my bedroom and grabbed her a shirt

She put it on and then said hi

"Jas is in the car she coming in"

Kel moved in a few days ago

He's more wierd every day i see em

And i be seeing jas more too she not really in my life like that

"So are we making my bestfriend breakfast too?" Ari asked

"Yea" i told her

"I wanna do it get outtttt"

I laughed "i thought we was doing it together"

"I'm replacing you wit jas"

"So you gon sit yo ass here with jas while i go do my thing ?"

"No I'm coming with you"

"I should leave you here"

"But you won't"

I sat in the living room next to kel and had walked in

"Hi" she said

"Hey" i said back to her

Her and ari started doing allat extra shit in the kitchen

"Ari" i said


"Come here" she said and she came over


"Can you get me cart from the jar?"

"Yea" she said

She got me a cart and i started smoking in the house

"whats this cat name?" Kel said.

"She don't got one yet, ari calls him s'more"

"That's some gay ass shit"

I laughed "ion got a name i just call her sweetie"

"Imagine you with a baby you gon spoil that shit rotten"

I laughed "that ain true"

"You spoil Zaria"

"And imma spoil they baby boy and D baby too, that's what I'm here for"

Kels phone rang

"Yo" he said

"Where y'all at ?" Bj said


"Konnie had her babies" he said

"Coming" he said

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