He closed his eyes softly. Damn, he was exhausted from all the drama. "We are such troublemakers..." he sighed.

His smiled faded and he closed his eyes also ,keeping his head rested on his chest. "Hell yeah we are..." He replied quietly.

"Are we going to stay here? On the floor?" He asked, stroking his hair softly.

He gave a halfhearted laugh and then leant his head back ,gazing up at him. "I guess it isn't the comfiest place to be..perhaps we should move" he answered.

"Yep. But you're not alright yet." He got up carefully, and before Mello had time to do the same, he picked the blonde up and hugged him. "Not going to let you walk. Since you are my princess."

Mello locked his arms around his neck. He chuckled a little,grateful for his care and support. "Thankyou my knight."

He smiled and walked back to Mello's room, let him go lying back to the bed, walked to get the broken chocolate bar and gave both halfs back to him. "Here.."

Mello slowly took them from him. He put one half down beside him and then twisted the other about In his hand for a moment. He then took a bite ,a loud snapping sound followed and he held it in his mouth for a moment and then swallowed. He then glanced at Matt.

Matt climbed next to him to the bed. He never dared to bother him while he was eating chocolate. He had tried once at Wammy's. Then Mello had proved that game boys won't float if someone angry and blonde throws them to a river.

Mellos eyes narrowed slightly and he then licked his lips. He stayed silent and then looked at him again.

"Something what you'd like me to do or get for you?" He asked.

He thought for a moment and then shook his head. He then took another bite and stared up at the ceiling ,leaning his head back against the pillow.

Matt, being still tired as hell, was soon asleep. He snored. He did it pretty often.

Mello chuckled slightly and flashed him a glance, smiling a little. He however stayed awake. He returned his gaze to the ceiling and sighed.

He mumbled asleep something about 'motherfucking cinnamon rolls' and turned a little.

Mello frowned and looked down at him once more ,rolling his eyes. He looked up again.

He snapped up awake. "Is the food ready?" He asked still half asleep.

"What?" He answered looking down at him,confused.

"Huh?" He asked confused and looked at him. "What's the time...?"

"I don't have a clue" he answered and looked away,he stared out the window.

"Mh. Are you feeling any better?" He asked, like always.

"Yes..a bit" he replied,his voice quiet.

"Mmh, good," he said and yawned softly.

Mello slowly turned his head ,looking back at him. "I wanna see.."he said,meaning his injuries. He had no idea how bad they were or what they looked like.

"...why...?" He asked silenty, and hung his head.

"I want to know how bad it is"he replied narrowing his eyes slightly,still looking at him.

He nodded and rolled his sleeve up, carefully showing Mello his cuts.

Mello glanced down at them with a blank expression. "..You should clean them..so they don't get infected" he said,his voice gentle and then looked up at him.

"It's not important, Mels... Don't you want to know how you do look like?"

Mello looked away and remained silent for a moment. "It is" he muttered under his breath but then nodded.

He got up silenty, got the mirror and gave it to him. "It's not that bad..."

Mello took the mirror and looked into it. His gaze hardened a bit and he put one hand to his face ,feeling it. He didn't think so. He hated it.

He sat to the edge of the bed, looking at him silenty. He wanted him to say something. Anything.

Mello lowered the mirror,placing it beside him. He glanced at Matt and kept his hand on his face for a moment. He then took it away. "Its horrible..." He said quietly looking down.

"It's not. You look beautiful, like always." He took his hand and held it. "You're perfect. No matter what you think, you look amazing. Always. Okay?" He kissed Mello's hand softly, and then squeezed it. "Mello. Look at me."

He lifted his head ,looking at him once more. He stared with a blank expression but then he smiled a little. "Thanks..really" he murmured and looked down at their entwined hands.

He caressed his injured cheek carefully. "You should already know that..." He smiled.

He blinked at him,letting him do so.  "You're the only one to think such things. I've never had a positive view of myself but I won't complain" he said softly.

"I don't get that. You're awesome." He felt the scar under his fingers. Mello was not only hurt from outside. He was suffering inside too. And he wanted to fix that.

You Keep Me Breathing (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now