Stupid bike

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Y/n POV:

"I don't know Mr.Miyagi, he's something special." I'm currently at Mr Miyagi's talking about Daniel.

"Ah, y/n-stan you like this boy?"

"Yes but he likes someone els-"I was cut off by banging outside.

"Stupid bike, stupid stupid bike" me and Miyagi look out the window to see Daniel and his mother arguing. (Ok, so I can't be assed to write the argument I'm sorry😬😂just look up on the internet "karate kid bike argument')

When they had gone to their rooms, Mr.Miyagi nodded at me and I ran out and got his bike. We spent the whole night fixing his bike.


"Y/n wake up, ma' told me to tell you you'll be late!" My little sister(Josie) wakes me up.

"Ugh I'll be there in a min'"

I was finally ready.


I was walking out of school holding my books to my chest when Daniel came over to me. He put an arm around my shoulders. "Hey" he smiled. I looked up at him "hey" I smiled back.
"I didn't see you this morning on the way to school" he looked down at me. "Oh yeah, I was late" I laughed. All of a sudden Ali came over just great. "Hey!" She had a big fat smile across her face. "What happened to your face?" She asked innocently. "It's terrible. A gigantic runaway zit." He joked.  "That's gross" Ali's friend butted in coming to the left of me. Daniel was still in the left of me with an arm still rapped around me. "Daniel thats Susan... what really happened" great she didn't even acknowledge I was there. "I got in a bike accident" he tells them. Lie.
"What type of bike you got? A Honda? Suzuki?" Susan asks. He hesitates for a second. "It's a miyagi Turbo" I roll my eyes. "Oh really? " Daniel nods to confirm. "We are going to the arcade if you want to come?" She asks Daniel. Daniel stops and looks at me, I don't look up. "Oh y/n your here, I didn't notice" she giggles. I pull the fakest smile possible. "Yeah, been here the whole time" 
"Well you can come too if you like?" I don't answer I just shrug and look up at Daniel. "Sounds great" he answers. I really didn't want to go, I'd just be a 3rd wheel like Susan, and it's be torture because I like Daniel. "Great there's this new game I want to show you" she smiles even more, I'm surprised her jaw isn't hurting.

We see Johnny and his gang at the entrance.
"I forgot something, I'll catch up with you guys in a minute" he turns around dragging me with him, I don't mind though I wouldn't want to walk with Ali and Susan anyway so he's really doing me a favour. "Don't run away" Ali shouts. Daniel doesn't turn around but answers "I'm not running away from anything"
"We've got to deal with this"
"You deal with things your way I'll deal with things my way, look we gotta' go"
with this Daniel turns around removing his arm off my shoulder. "Get off my case!" He yells at her then he turns around and puts the arm that was resting on my shoulder, on my waist. My cheeks heat up and I get butterflies.

When we got back to the apartment Daniel saw his bike. "Did you do this?" He asked looking down at me. "Mr. Miyagi did most of it" I look away. "Thank you I really appreciate it" he hugged me. It took me a second but I hugged back. He kissed my cheeks and they instantly heated up. "Come on, I want to go say thanks to your friend". He grabbed my hand and I laced my fingers with his. We arrive at Mr.Miyagi's. He was chopping tree's.

"Did you fix my bike?"

"Hai, y/n-Stan help"

"Thank you"


"I really appreciate that, are they real trees"

"You like see, come inside"

Daniel opened the door and holds it in for me letting me go inside. "Thank" I smile up at him.

"How did they get so small?"

"I train, clip here train there"

"Did you learn this in Japan?"


"Where's that?"

"My country"

I let go of Daniels hand and demonstrated with my fingers pointing at my cover tips and naming the country's.
"China here, Japan here, Okinawa here" he nods understanding and I put my hands back down to my sides. I can feel his hand brush agains mine I blush and take his hand not looking up at him.

"Did you go to school for this?" He continues.

"Father teach"

"Was he a gardener?"


"A fisherman" Daniel repeated.

"These are really beautiful" Daniel says moving forward bringing me with him and brushing his finger tips across the small, frail leaves.

"Come, you try"

"I don't think how to do this stuff" he almost seemed scared. It was cute.

"Sit" mr.miyagi drags him to a sit. He let go of my hand. Which I was sad about.
"I may mess it up"

"Close eye" he was hesitant but I gave him a reassuring smile. He closed his eyes.
"Concentrate...think only tree... make perfect picture down to last pine needle"

I walked over and picked up my tree and started cutting it.

A couple of minutes later my mom and little sister walk in. "Hello miyago" she says she cant pronounce his name so she calls him that. It's cute. "Hello Josie-Stan" he smiles. "Hey Mr.Miyagi" my mother smiles at him, he nods. Just then Daniels mom comes in, she's trying to pay him for the bike but he's refusing as I thought he would.
"what are you two doing?" She asks.
"Trimming our baby tree's"
"Bonsai tree" I correct him.
"Bonsai tree"
"They're beautiful"
Mr.Miyagi gives my mom, josie and Daniels mom a tree. "Well come on y/n you have school"my mother announced.
"You too Daniel" Mrs LaRusso joins in.
"Just half an hour please" we say At the same time.
"No school tomorrow come on"
We are walking to our apartments me and Daniel are behind the parents with our plants in hand. My little sister came giggling over to us.
"Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend" she giggles I blush.
"No, josie don't be silly" I laugh. Josie walks in between me and Daniel and grabs our arms since our hands are occupied with the plants.
"I think you should be" she giggles. I laugh awkwardly and so does Daniel. We get to our apartment.
"Well this is ours" MRS LaRusso says.
"Ours is right here! You should come for a coffee sometime!" My mother says cheerfully. Mrs LaRusso are arranging plans. "Well, night Daniel" I smile. "Night y/n" and with that I take josie into our apartment.

🦋👻heyyy, sorry Ik this is a really bad story, But that's to everyone who reads it!! Lyyy👻🦋

Daniel Larusso x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora