For those I love

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Nothing can stop me from trying to get to you
Nothing and no one
I'd face my darkest fears
just to stop you from hurting yourself
or save you from yourself
If you can't see I'll help you feel the way
If you can't breath
I'll make an incision in your chest cavity so your lungs don't fill with blood
When you lose all hope
I'll be the one to hold you close and tell you everything will be okay
Even if it won't
You can take as much time to as you want to deal with your demons
I might only be human but I'll be your guardian angel
When you're lost and don't know which way is home
Know that all you have to do is call on me and you'll know your way
I know it maybe lonely
I know you may not believe in destiny
But I do our paths crossed for a reason
And if that means
I save yourself
When you can't yourself
And you do the same for me
It would hurt me to see you hurt
To make you feel better I'd let you save me over and over again

Body without Mind حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن