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(Gavin's POV)

Hello. Mii name is Gavin Hope. Mii friends are, mohamed, noah, sean, yasin, blake, mac, n joshua. But these girls call me "Gina" n do the "Gina touch" here's wat happened after recess wen we were going home:

Desi: wat are u doing Mckenzie ?

Mckenzie: nothing.

Desi: *looks over sees Gavin n gives him a huge smile n waves* hiiiiiiiii👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

Gavin: *gives her the "okay...." look*

Desi: whew that's over......

Gavin: *walks over smiles at Mckenzie n Desi*

Mckenzie: uhhhhh....

Desi: oh mii gosh!

Gavin: *walks over to Desi*

Desi: no! Don't touch me!

Gavin: *touches her desk then walks away*

Desi: NOOO!!! *her n Mckenzie laughing she gives the "Gina touch" to Daniella*u got Gina touch Danny!

Daniella: NOO! Ugh....*touches kaylan* hi!

Kaylan: what u.....ugh *gives it to Britton*

Britton: *to busy talking to Tiffany n Kenna* huh? What? *looks at Desi Daniella n kaylan*

Kaylan & Desi & Daniella: hi!

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