(Short authors note- I have No Idea why im chosing to make this story turn so much but I am warning you now, this gets weird.)

Darry slamed on breaks and we all junped out of the truck. We started chasing her like a bunch of animals. Ponyboy caught up to her first because he did track but we were all to far away to see what was happening.

Ponyboys POV-

I finally caught up to (y/n) and the only way I could think of to get her to stop running was to tackle her so thats exactly what I did. We tumbled to the ground and she quickly pushed me off of her. "Damn. You ever think of doing track?" I asked, exhausted. She didnt think my joke was funny nor did she respond. She stumbled to her feet. "Look, I'm not too fond of chasing you down again but dont think I wont." I said seriously. She grabbed her switch from her pocket. "Okay okay wait..." I said as I backed up slightly. "Why dont you tell me whats wrong first?" I suggested. She took a deep breath as her hard expression stared holes in my head. She looked like and angry lion about to attack her prey. I've seen it in many movies. But she did something that surprised me. She fell to her knees and dropped her blade. Before I could even think about it, I snatched the knife. I was afraid that she would get angry again and try to use it. She broke down in tears suddenly.

"Fuck!" She yelled while crying. "FUCK THIS!" She screamed. "Now im fucking crying like a bitch!" She said weakly.

"Wha...what happened?" I asked quietly.

"Its Dally. He cheated... And I know I should've expected it, and sure maybe if that was all I would've been fine... But tonight, I found out that words really can hurt. Maybe just as bad as a knife or a gunshot wound. And I dare say worse. God I fucking hate Dallas... Or thats what I keep telling myself. But I know the real reason that im upset is because deep down inside I love him and I know he doesnt love me." She practicality whispered. The rest of the gang caught up to us and they all stopped when they saw her. I whispered to Sodapop what just happened and it spread around. Johnny walked over and sat down next to her. He put his arm around her and said "I understand." Before giving her a hug. Johnny was the most damaged one in the group. If anyone were to understand, it would be him.

We all stood there for a second before we heard footsteps behind us. Then I heard a fimilar voice call out "I think you forgot to invite two of us to the party!" It was Dallas. Darrys eyes flashed with something I've never seen before and he turned around just as Dally and Two-Bit neared. He grabbed Dally by the collar and gave him one good blow to the jaw. Dallas fell to the ground at the sudden impact.

Two-Bit just looked shocked before he felt his need to explain. "Dallas called me just a while ago and told me to pick him up. When I saw my car was gone I walked to Buck's house. Dallas was pacing back and forth almost in tears when I showed up. He told me that we had to find (y/n) and thats it.... What happened?" Two asked. "What happened is that sleaze cheated on (y/n) on their anniversary and apparently said a few things that deeply offended her." Steve answered and I could tell he was holding back from what he really wanted to say.

(Y/n) got up and wiped her tears away. She walked up to Dallas who had just gotten up. "What the fuck do you want Winston?" She growled. "I... Well... I want to talk. To explain." He pleaded. She turned away from him. "No." She said sternly.

He went to grab her wrist but Darry stopped him so all he could do was call out, "please?". She spun around and shoved Dallas away from the group. But I could still hear them... Barely.

"What?!" She asked.
"Im sorry." He replied.
"Okay. Ive heard that one before. Next."
"I love you."
"You're losing me Winston. Next."
"Okay..." He started.

"One year ago, I didnt expect to find someone so amazing as you. You have never hurt me and were always right there when I needed you. I abused that. I know it I did. I really am sorry. I love you more than you could ever know. I was just always so afarid that you were too good for me because you were a Soc and im nothing. Im dirt. Im shit compared to you. You are so kind to everyone and so so smart. I didnt think I could ever find someone like that. I drank so much to numb those thoughts and I guess it got too out of hand. I'm really sorry. I swear I am. But you gotta understand me. You gotta understand that I dont deserve you. If you leave, I'll never fill that hole in my heart again. I love you so so so much (y/n). I didnt even know what love meant untill I met you. You showed me what love was. Along with so many other things. Like happiness. I am only truly happy when Im with you. So im begging you... Please stay... I love you." He looked sincere... He really did. (Y/n) wiped a tear from her eyes and smiled weakly. She then straighted her posture and spoke. "You're drunk Winston. Maybe that would mean something if you meant it. Goodbye Dallas." She turned and walked back to me. Everyone stood in shock. Dallas had never said anything like that... Ever. And she rejected it. I couldnt blame her though... Or could I? I didnt know who's side I was on. The lines were very blured.

She started walking back to the truck with the rest of us but Dallas stayed standing in the woods. We got in the truck and started to drive away. As we drove we could hear Dallas yell as loud as he could "FUCK IT! NO!" And loud sobs followed. I looked at (y/n) who had cried a bit herself but tried to hide it.


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