"Ena, listen to me." Gojo's low voice tried to capture my attention, but I didn't want to give in. I didn't want to face this harsh reality of him ending our relationship. My attachment with him was too strong. I felt scared to be alone after knowing what love was, but yet again, I have to brace reality. If he stopped loving me then he stopped. I cannot change that.

I sniffed loudly and pulled myself together. I'm done crying over our long history because crying won't change anything. I'll do that more once we break up, but right now I have to show him my brave face. Holding on to my last rage in my heart, I straddled him, grabbing the collar of his cotton shirt as I glared at him with my red, puffy eyes. "I'm going to kill you, Satoru—No, Gojo." Why bother to call him by his first name if he's going to be another person's partner?

"BABE!" Gojo, who was underneath me, spouted in frustration and confusion as he forcefully rolled our bodies over. Now he was on top of me while I was beneath him. His hands glued itself next to my head, and his eyebrows knitted in the lack of understanding from what came out of my mouth. Gojo's blue eyes swam in pure loss like a fish losing its direction in the big great ocean. "I'M NEVER EVER LEAVING YOU!" Before I knew it, his soft lips were crashing all over my face. I couldn't even say anything because his lips would target my mouth, refusing me to speak any further. "Don't you dare to think... *kiss* I'll leave you *kiss* because I won't!"

His shower of kisses rained down on me for a few minutes before ceasing. Gojo sat up and pulled me into his arms, cradling me like a child. Although I wanted to believe him, I needed to make sure that he's not lying to me. I knew Gojo wasn't a liar or a secretive person but I just needed reassurance. "If you aren't cheating then why did you wake up out of nowhere? And who were you going to text too?" I said in a hostile manner, pushing him back but he refused to let go of me. His arms secured me tightly as he sighed in defeat.

"...I was going to text Nanami that I couldn't sleep. I can show you the unsent text!"

I rolled my eyes in my new profound anger. I cried over the fact that he was going to text Nanami?! And I jumped to the conclusion that he was going to cheat on me before hearing him out. My head throbbed from Gojo's antics. Pushing him away with all of my strength, I rolled off the bed and scowled at him. "I'm getting the divorce papers later, and I'm sleeping with Nao!" I should be relieved that it was just Nanami and not him cheating, but I'm drained and tired from this situation. There's just too much miscommunication. My brain can't function right now.

"Honey, you're joking... Tell me you're joking?!" I heard his body shuffling off the bed, but he was too late because I exited our bedroom. I'm done with his shit... He's always putting me on an emotional roller coaster.

"Talk to me later at court. We're going to be fighting over child support!" I yelled loud enough for Gojo to hear the irritation in my voice. I'm not the one who'll be driving Gojo away from me, it's the other way around! There's only so much I can handle before I explode.


I opened the door to Naozumi's room and closed it quietly. My feet tiptoed to the empty side of Naozumi's bed and slipped inside, snuggling close to my snowbear.

"M...Mommy is that you?" My son groggily said, feeling my presence beside him.

A light smile lifted my lips. "Yes, it's mommy. I'm going to be sleeping with you." I planted a kiss on his hair, closing my eyes to rest for a few more hours.

When morning came out, the dining room was tense due to me as we ate in silence. Most mornings would be filled with bright expressions and happy laughters but not today. Gojo, who sat in front of me, looked like a sad puppy. His blue eyes wavered in deep sorrow while Naozumi innocently sat here. He didn't know anything that went down between his parents, and it's a good thing he didn't either.

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