Ch 4 Meet Valerie Slabinsky

Start from the beginning

"Or his girlfriend."

Everyone looks at Slab, and for once he actually shows a softer side to him as he smiles bashfully.

"I'm here cause I was defended."

"That checks out."

I'm this close to grabbing that girl's head and-

Luckily the "teacher" is quick to change the topic and distract me from my anger.

"Okay well, welcome to my class. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and have a fun experience. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to-"

Thank god the bell rung.

"Alright class, make sure to study for tomorrow's quiz!" Mr. Young told the classroom as we all walked out.

"What the heck Slab?!"

"What?" Slab asked as we walk out.

"You never told me your science teacher was a KID."

"You mean our science teacher." Slab corrects smugly.

"Good luck with his class, it's sooooo boring." He groans.

Just as we're heading to the cafeteria, I suddenly remember something.

"Crap, I forgot my backpack." I say before I start walking back to science class.

I walked back to the classroom, about to open the door until I heard some giggles coming from the classroom.

"I don't really like the new girl." I hear Echo's voice comment.

"I noticed her staring at you a lot while you were introducing her."

"Are you jealous, Echo Zizzleswift?" The voice I recognized as Mr. Young asked in a teasing voice.

I peeked through the classroom door's window and noticed him holding her close to him.

"I'm pretty sure she's just surprised that I'm a young teacher as all of you were last year."

"Still weird-"

A laugh is heard in the background.

"Echo, please." The voice scoffs.

"No girl in their right mind would have eyes for Adam.. except maybe you." Derby stifled a laugh, I notice he was sitting in one of the seats in the back.

Echo nodded, seeming a bit more at ease.


Both of them laughed, Mr. Young just had his arms crossed as they laughed.

"Alright, alright that's enough." He interrupted their laughter after a few seconds.

It seemed like he's used to receiving this type of teasing from people since he didn't seem upset at all, just annoyed.

"You know you're the only one I love, right?" He asked her with a soft tone, his arms wrapped around her waist.

I don't really like being that girl but, they were kind of cute together. If I didn't have that awful first encounter I did with Echo, I'd probably ship them.

Wait hold up- he's a teacher.

Does Principal Tater know about this?

"So even if that were the case, it wouldn't matter, because I already have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world."

Derby fake gags, and both Adam and Echo laugh, before looking back at each other.

They looked like they were leaning in to kiss each other until I opened the door.

They quickly fire away from each other.

"Forgot my backpack." I explained, pretending like I didn't just see the 2 being a cheesy pair of dumbos a few seconds ago.

Adam just nodded.

"Hey Valerie, did you know Echo and Adam are dating?" Derby suddenly blurts out.

Both Adam and Echo gave Derby a look.

"What?" Derby raised his hands.

"Everyone knows you guys have been dating for months now."

"Oh really?" I played dumb.

"I had no idea." I state sarcastically.

"Yup." Echo gave me a sickly-sweet, forced looking smile.

"Alright cool." I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"Would you mind, Mr. Young?" I asked, since he was standing in front of my desk. "Gotta get my backpack."

"Oh, of course." He quickly moved aside.

I quickly took my backpack off my chair.

"And please, when we're not in class, you can call me Adam." I heard Adam say as I face the door.

"Alright, Adam. See ya." I look back at him and returned the friendly smile he was giving me.

His girlfriend seemed mad, good.

"See you in detention." I smirked slightly before walking away.

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