"Nothing, she's just entertaining to be around."

"Awe, did you make a new friend?" Jisung poked his shoulders, teasingly.

"Maybe he finally met a girl he doesn't want to fuck." Minho laughed to Jisung.

"Maybe she's just ugly." Jisung remarked, trying to get a reaction from Hyunjin.

"Suki? No, I have a class with her, she's pretty, just not dumb enough to sleep around with our precious Hyunjinie." Minho stated before taking a hit from his vape.

Hyunjin threw his head back, slightly laughing at their conversation. But it was all true. Suki held herself to high standards, she didn't care if she was liked, only that she was making the right decisions.

Although last night, when Suki pulled him onto the dance floor, they got a bit too close. His cheeks turned red just thinking of it. Of course he stoped things before it got too heated, what kind of friend would he be if he took advantage of her while drunk.

Friend, apparently that's what he's to her now. Him and Suki always knew of each other's presence and had a few interactions, but it never went anywhere where he can say he was her friend.

It did start off as him just wanting some attention, make a blow job, then would ghost, leaving her. But, she's interesting to say the least.

The first time they got together to study he stole her phone for a second and added his contact information, it's been almost a week and he's waiting for a text.

"Earth to Hyunjin..." Minho snapped, catching his attention, "want? Or no want?" He held out the vape.

"Me no want."

"Me thought so." He brought his arm back.

"What the — why do you guys always talk so weirdly?" Jisung cringed.

Minho nudged Jisung, "Me think you jealous."

"Me not jealous, dumbass." He hit the back of Minho's head, causing him to wince in pain.

"Um, moving on, I'm gonna go. You know how my dad wants me to help at the club this weekend." Hyunjin took his jacket from the floor and left.

"Bye!" Minho and Jisung said in unison.

Suki's headache finally stopped at three in the afternoon, but she still felt a bit off, nothing too bad.

She looked down at her right hand, which she was holding an ice pack on. She didn't notice it until and hour ago but her knuckles were split, although she had no idea why.

Suki woke up with a resentment towards Areum. All she remembers is her screaming at Hyunjin last night.

Yeah, okay, maybe she killed her best friend, but Areum was just as much as an asshole, hence why she's now on the list. Although she's not a priority.

The front door bust open and Yoojin appeared, more excited than usual.

"Ok, what's up?" Suki asked, clearly noticing.

"What? I have absolutely no idea what you mean." Yoojin crossed her arms in a very obvious way to tell that she's lying.

"Spill, now."

"Ok, so I talked to a few people..."


"And I managed to get us both fake IDs! Look I have them in my pocket," she pulled them out to show, "meet: Kim Euni." She striked a pose.

Kim Euni was the name on her fake ID. Suki looked at her fake name: Ito Kumi.

"Kumi, that's actually not that bad."

"I didn't get to chose, you get what you get and you don't get upset, either way girl."

"But why do I out of all people need a fake ID?"

"I'm glad you asked, but we're going clubbing tomorrow." Yoojin sat down next to her.

"No, I cant. I already went to one yesterday and don't remember anything so —"

"You don't remember?!"

"Nope, not a lot," She shook her head then showed her hand, "not why my knuckles are like this."

"Let me sum it up: you got there, drank too much, Areum started yelling at Hyunjin, you stepped in, punched her, then Hyunjin was supposed to take you home, but you two ended up dancing, if you know what I mean, then he took you home, and yeah. Also, you flashed the bartender for some drinks."

"What! I- was he cute at least?" She threw her head back in disgust with herself.

"Yes, very."

"And Hyunjin... I don't know what you mean. Was
it — did we — did I —"

"I'm just kidding with you, you just danced together. It was a bit closer than what I expected, but not too bad, you can stop blushing."

"Wait what club?" She changed the subject.

"Uh, Diony — Diony-something —"

"Dionysus Club?" Suki was hoping, it would be perfect.

"Yes! That's the one! So are you going with me?"

"I guess so."

Suki tried to seem chill. But, in reality, things were going according to plan. She knew that he was working there on Sunday, before, Suki didn't have a way into the club, Yoojin was her ticket in. Other than the fact that she went to a party yesterday, this was convenient.

Park Minjun.

Another name to cross off the list.

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄  ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

—Look at our little party animal go 😍!Anygays, I have a Pinterest if ur interested! Please check it out, link in my bio! I'm tryna be like Pinterest famous bc spotify famous wasnt working out 😣🧍‍♀️

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Look at our little party animal go 😍!
Anygays, I have a Pinterest if ur interested! Please check it out, link in my bio! I'm tryna be like Pinterest famous bc spotify famous wasnt working out 😣🧍‍♀️.. thanks for the support! Every comment and vote makes me smile (:

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