"Sooo~ Kirishima," Mina grinned.

"Shit, (Name), we're screwed when she talks like that," the redhead murmured, followed by some more laughter.

"I heard from a little birdie that (Name) sucked you off."



Mina burst out into laughter, which she struggled to hide. Your face was a furious red at her teasing and his brutally honest answer, snatching your phone back from her.

"I still need to return the favor."

Mina snorted, resulting in more laughter erupting from her. "Oh (Name), oh no," she breathed out, patting your leg. "You're both assholes," you murmured. The pink-skinned girl laughed her ass off, Kirishima chuckling on the other end.

"(Name), 'll be at the dorms in an hour, make sure yer ready, okay?" Your red cheeks died down, a small, eager smile being placed on your features. "Yeah, I'll make sure to be ready."

"Kirishima! You didn't give them much time! (Name), I'ma make sure you look stunning!" Mina grinned, almost flying off your bed and yanking your phone out of your hands.

"Mina! Give it back!"

"Bye, Kirishima!"

You heard a beep, signifying that Mina hung up on him. You shook your head as Mina tossed your phone back at you, barely catching it. You plugged it into the charging port, swinging your legs off the bed.

Mina threw your closet doors open, rummaging through clothes, separating the items into a "no", and a "maybe" pile.

"Ooh~ this is cute!" She held up a maroon turtleneck sleeveless sweater, it looked tighter, and it would hug your body. "You would look so cute in this!" She grinned, tossing the piece of clothing to you.

"Now for pants and shoes.."


Mina, finally done going through your closet and littering your floor with articles of clothing, stood proudly with her hands on her hips, grinning at her masterpiece.

"(Name)! You look so cute!" She chimed, pinching your cheeks between her fingers.

You went with the maroon turtleneck sweater she tossed to you before. Since it was cold, you went with some thicker, black pants, with some black boots. You threw on a black jacket to go over your sweater, grinning as Mina bragged about her work.

"Eijirou's here," you said, quickly throwing together a crossover purse, including money, your phone, your dorm key, and a portable charger.

"Do you know where you're both going?" Mina questioned, opening the door to leave your dorm. "Beats me," you responded, shutting off the light and locking the door behind you.

"Well, whatever you do, you better tell me everything!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. You neared the exit, but Mina stepped in front of you as you reached for the handle into the outdoors.

"Don't get too carried away!~"

You blushed and shoved her aside, a fit of giggles erupting from her chest. You quickly yanked open the door, and shut it, taking a deep breath before walking to where Kirishima was waiting.

He grinned when he saw you, an excited one at that. He let out a low whistle as his eyes raked over your figure. "Either 'm losin' my memory, or ya look better every time I see ya," the redhead murmured.

He was wearing what almost looked like a tux, a simple black, button-up undershirt with a maroon jacket, black pants, and black shoes. You suddenly felt underdressed as you looked at your outfit.

Inked Heart - Mafia!Kirishima x GN!ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu