Part Twenty: Sweet Justice

Start from the beginning

"Nothing. Nothing's wrong."

"You would've rather me thought you were looking at porn by yourself than looking up questions about having babies and what not? Tom- that's not nothing."

"I don't need to...think...about all of it. It's just...huh nothing." Pushing me to sit down on our bed, she straddles my lap and looks at me.

"No- let's talk about this- because I might surprise you." I highly doubt it. We've been off lately- not that we're fighting- we just haven't had sex in a good month and a half and I'm worried it's because she doesn't actually want to be with me or have a family. Between her being investing in the trials and a movie she was working on and me getting my own HBO TV series, we haven't had the time to really sit down and discuss everything or even be together intimately. "I know we've been...I've been distant lately and I'm sorry. I really am..."

"Ems, it's no big deal- I've just been..."

"Surrounded by you friends having babies and with your new series where you literally are dealing with a fake pregnant wife: I understand your want." Looking down at her chest, I close my eyes and sigh heavily. Maybe those are some of the reasons...but not all of them. "Huh...I wanted to wait until Christmas- which is as you know a day and a half away- but seeing how you've slowly been going bonkers- so should probably give you your gift now."

I watch her curiously and she stands up.

"Okay- close your eyes and absolutely no peeking. I mean it!" I do as she says and hear her pad across the floor and out down the hall. I'm tempted to open my eyes, but I don't and after a few minutes, I hear her coming back and she clears her throat. "Okay, open your eyes."

I do and she hand me a small box.

"Go on- open it."

When I do I find a Christmas ornament that is the Hogwarts crest made of metal die cast. Flipping it over, I look at it and then at her.

"Well...what's it say?" She asks with a grin.

"Baby Feltson to be sorted in their house July 2022." I say and my cheeks burn hot. I can't believe it. I just look between the ornament and her and tears start coming to my face. "Duck!"

Pulling her into my arms, I kiss her all over and she beams brightly at me.

"Merry Christmas, Daddy."

"I'm...I...I can't...Really?!" I ask and she laughs.

"Haha, yes. I love you. I've been so nervous about hiding it from you until now. I was worried I would slip up and you'd find out."

"Feltson, huh?"

"Well, I didn't want to put Watson and I didn't know how appropriate it'd be to just put" My smiles wides and I get off the bed. Walking past her to the living room, I put it on the tree and then grab an ornament. She watches me curiously and I go to her. "What's that?"

"Something that I have had for a very long time. Like years." I say and I hand her the locket tho ornament. She takes it and unlatched the little locket and inside is a ring I used to wear all the time growing up. Emma always used to try to swipe it from me because she's loved how it looked- the deep set oval alexandrite stone that's a blackish purple gemstone set on black tungsten. I get down on my knee and take her hand. "Emma, for twenty years I have had you in my life and I hate to say it's never going to be long enough for me. I've known since standing next to you in auditions that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm so blessed to still have you in my life. You're my best friend in the whole wide world and I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children. So Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson- will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

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