Part 2: Sweethearts

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***May 4th, 2004***

I didn't want to go out wearing this ghastly pink dress. To be stared at by everyone on set and have to dance.

More importantly, I didn't want him to see me.

It's been awkward between Tom and I since he broke my heart.

Little sister...


It wasn't fair.

He's always made it seem like he really liked me. Tickling me.

Letting me hang on him and fall asleep on his chest.

I don't understand it.

"Emma- you almost ready?" A stage hand asks through my door.


Walking out onto set, everyone comments on my hair and how pretty I look- but I don't feel pretty- I certainly don't look pretty. My face is puffy for some reason today and my nerves are shot.


"She looks beautiful." Shefali delivers her line and I'm halfway down the stairs when Dan turns around and stares up at me- mystified- as the script says.

It's no secret that Dan and Rupert had a small crush on me in the beginning- but I only had eyes for Tom.

It didn't take long for Dan and Rups to get over me...but it's taking me a lot longer to get over Tom.

We walk in the grand hall and as I go- I smile and beam happily- as Hermione would be. When I pass Tom, his eyes are wide and his mouth agape. He looks dashing in his tux- as he does everything he wears- and as I begin to dance, with every turn, I make it a point to flaunt a bit of myself to Tom as we pass.

His face seems to grow slightly long and pale.

It isn't until we're done filming that particular part, that he makes his way over to me.

"Em! You look...amazing. Very beautiful." He sweetly says and pulls me into a hug.

"You look rather handsome." I say as I pull from him. His eyes are like elevators- slowly rising up and down my body- stopping at certain floors before Stanislav comes over and pulls me into his arms.

"We did great!" He happily says and dances me around a bit.

"Yeah, we did." I say and I notice Tom's face heat up slightly. "I heard we're going to be filming us having fun and dancing. I can't wait! Right, Tom?"

His face spurs and I know why.

"You two can have fun."

"What's wrong, McScrooge?" I joke and he fumes a bit more. I never really scene him this way.

"I'm a Slytherin and you're Hermione Granger. We won't be dancing together and having fun. So we might as well get it over with." He pushes passed me and Stanislav and goes out to the crowd of extras.

"What's his problem?" Stanislav asks and I shake my head.

"I don't know...he never acts that way."

***August 2019***

It's been really hard this passed year.

I turn 29 in a month and then it's the big 3-0.

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