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[TW: mentions of self-harm]

The feelings hadn't erupted from nowhere, Soobin knew. It was that day, the day when Soobin had gotten what he'd like to call 'a bit too emotional.' When Yeonjun had been right there to take care of him, had been understanding and caring.


It was late evening and the boys had finished dinner and Yeonjun was at his desk, studying as per usual. Soobin got out of the shower, dressed and went to his desk. Looking for his bandaids.

When Soobin's mother has lost her life to hanahaki after their failed marriage, it had left Soobin devastated and severely depressed.

Now that it had been a few years to that, Soobin was better but the scars from the time still littered his wrist and he liked covering them up with bandaids, at all times. Back then was the time Yeonjun had been gone for a year to study in the states, Soobin had had no one to rely on and had made rash decisions.

To Soobin, the scars reminded him of the pitiful fate his mother had faced and the pathetic way her son had dealt with it. To Soobin, they were shameful reminders of his pathetic self, weak and helpless.

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