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the sorting ceremony

the sorting ceremony

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SEPTEMBER 1st 1975

CATRIONA Mcgonagall is not an anxious or nervous person. She is the most easy-going, calm person you'd ever meet. She wasn't even nervous when she flew her first broom at the age of 9. Or when she first played quidditch at the age of 11. Her mother played quidditch during her years at Hogwarts, but never played after her seventh year. However, she was gracious enough to teach her daughter how to play in their garden. Ever since then, she has played and loved Quidditch, though she never had too many people to play with. It never mattered if she had a nasty fall or got smacked with a Bludger, she was never nervous to get back up and keep going.

Today she was nervous, very nervous to be exact. Standing outside the old, large, wooden doors to the Great Hall to Hogwarts, she only saw in pictures on the front page of The Daily Prophet. Standing with all the new first years that were just as nervous as her, made her feel out of place for the first time in a long time. She had never worn robes like the black plain school robes she was forced into. Catriona would've much rather been in her normal jumper and pants.

Her mother walked out of the Great Hall to bring in the new students, but not before giving a speech. "Welcome students to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Here you will learn just about every and all things magical." Catriona stood in the back of the crowd of small 11 year old witches and wizards. "For the next seven years you will be residing in one of the four houses here; Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin. Once I take you through these doors, I will bring you to the front of the room and start calling off names. Once I call your name, you will sit on the stool and will have the sorting hat placed on your head. The sorting hat will then sort you into the house that is perfect for you."

The four houses; Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Gryffindor and Slytherin all have their own unique traits. Hufflepuff was know for being patient, just, and loyal. Ravenclaw's are known for having intelligence, wisdom and wit. Gryffindor, the house of her mother, as well as most of her family, is known for being brave, determioned and chivalrous. Those sorted into Slytherin were ambitious, cunning and resourceful. Catriona hoped and prayed she would get into Gryffindor. She would be fine with Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, but not Slytherin, anything but Slytherin. Not that anything was wrong with being cunning and ambitious, but Slytherin house has a reputation for producing the evil and bad sorts of wizards. The founder himself hid a dangerous and deadly creature deep within the castle, if that doesn't scream evil, what does?

When the doors to the Great Hall were pushed open, Catriona and the first years were amazed to say the least. The long hall had a bewitched ceiling that looked identical to the stary night sky that was outside the castle. On one side of the room were two tables filled with students from ages eleven to eighteen. One table blue and one table yellow, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. On the other side of the hall were two other tables, red and green, Gryffindor and Slytherin.

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