The Darling Charisma of Liz Feathers! ( Chapter 10 Part 1)

Começar do início

"Hi, Liz.", Huey and Webby replied.

"I'm glad you could make it!", Fenton told her.

"I'm so sorry I'm so late!", she apologised, "But Gizmoduck just had a fight against a villain and I had to film it and I just lost track of time! I'm so sorry, I must look a mess!"

"No, you could never look a mess!", Fenton reassured her, the smile on his face growing wider.

"Always the flatterer, you. C'mon, we don't wanna lose any more time!", she told them before going inside the electronics store.

When they walked in, they faced a wall covered in TVs which were news broadcasts about Gizmoduck, one of them even showing Liz's livestream.

"Yes! They weren't lying! Guys, look, it's my livestream!", she exclaimed.

But she turned around to see a sad looking Fenton, frowning at the TVs. She didn't know why he was upset but she wasted no time in putting her arm around his shoulder, making him smile again, which in turn made her smile.

Huey whispered to Webby, "Poor Fenton's worn out from saving the day every day."

"The tragic hero who cares for everyone... But himself...", she quietly replied.

Fenton then turned around to ask an employee something, "Excuse me, I'm looking for your latest birefringent beam splitters?"

A girl nearby piped in on the conversation to ask, "Beam splitters, huh? Cubic or dichroic mirror?"

Surprised, Fenton asked, "Huh? You know about dichroic mirror splitters?"

She cockily replied, "Yes, because I'm a scientist. High energy physics can be challenging for a rookie."

Liz gave the girl a 'Oh no you did not' look before telling her, "Oh Fenton's no rookie! He's actually a scientist at McDuck Labs!"

That only seemed to challenge the girl more because she came back at Liz with, "Oh... Sell-out science! Pushing pencils, wearing a suit! Brainstorming the next Gizmoduck, like we need any more of that show-off."

Liz scoffed and replied, "Hey! Gizmoduck's no show off! He saves and inspires people! And Fenton's no pencil-pushing conformist either! He's a brilliant inventor with ideas that could change the world! And what is it you do?", she chuckled.

"Uh, shatter expectations!", she got a phone call which she rejects while Liz rolls her eyes, "I have no rules, no limits,I don't kiss up to zillionaires, I work for myself!"

Liz chuckled and raised her eyebrow at her but Fenton looked at Liz, unsure if he should try to show off, before Liz nudged him encouragingly and he told the girl, "Actually, I'm working on my own project that's pretty neat. I haven't quite cracked the equation yet but it's still very dangerous. The most dangerous kind of neat. Grrr..."

Liz smirked at the idiot.

"Alright, 'suit', you two are doing hard science? Show me your lab!", the girl told him.

"Uh... Oh no, I'm not really a science-person, I'm more of a hype-man," Liz nervously chuckled.

"Uh... Yes. My lab. T-that is mine.", Fenton nervously replied, "I'll pick you both up at 7:00 for some severe... sciencing."

"Both?", the girl asked.

"I hope that means I'm invited", Liz joked.

"Of course you're coming!", Fenton told her.

"Great!" "Awesome!" "Super!" "Cool!", they all told each other, back and forth.

"So, 7:00, right?", the girl checked.

My Friend, My Hero - Ducktales 2017Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora