Fredag - Beer

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"It hurts when you say
That you can't stay (yeah)
Because I can't give you any more
What you need (no)
But I know for myself that I can no longer give anything
When I need what I can no longer find in myself."

Even walks on campus with slightly wobbly knees.
Just the mere thought of seeing Eliott causes butterflies to stir up in his stomach.
He walks into the building, thrilled to see Eliott later.

Eliott needs to hurry up if he wants to make it on time.
He runs his hands through his hair, hoping that it doesn't look too tousled but also not too flat. It has to look just right.
He's wearing a black hoodie with a raccoon print on it, paired with jeans and his grey, slightly worn-out sneakers.
He'd put an anklet on, trying to go all out with his look today.
"You can do it, you can do it", Eliott whispers to himself as he sprays on some cologne, grabbing his backpack and leaving his apartment.

During the lunch break, he meets up with Even for lunch, acquainting him with his other friends.
Even likes them, they're interesting people who are determined to learn and make something out of their lives.
The right kind of people, as Sonja would've said.
He tries to push Sonja out of his thoughts, concentrating on eating his salad and chatting with Eliott and his friends instead.

After his day is over, Even suggests that they go and hang out at Even's place this time.
Eliott agrees to that and the two take the tram to Even's flatshare.
Linn opens the door. "Bonjour!", she says excitedly, "Nice to see that Even is bringing someone home, welcome! I'm Linn."
Linn is tall but smaller than Eliott, she has red hair and is quite pale.
They shake hands, Eliott smiles. "Je suis Eliott", Eliott introduces himself before they walk in.

Even shows Eliott around the place.
"And that is it", he says as they step into the kitchen.
"Such a beautiful place", Eliott says as they sit down at the kitchen table.
Even offers snacks and drinks, like the good host that he is.

"Oh, I hear a new voice", a silky-soft voice behind them says, "Salut! I'm Lisa!"
Eliott turns around in his chair, a woman with dark brown hair, which is tied into a ponytail stands in front of him.
"Salut, je suis Eliott!", Eliott introduces himself for the second time today and Lisa smiles. "Enchantée, Eliott!"
They shake hands before Lisa disappears again.
"Do you want a beer? We also have beer", Even asks and Eliott nods eagerly.
After Even has taken two bottles of beer out of the fridge and opened them, he hands one to Eliott.
"C'mon, let me show you my room", Even tells his guest.

Even's room has two windows, which allow a lot of light to shine into the room.
White curtains are in front of them, Even pushes them open, letting in the remainder of daylight.
But Eliott directs his attention to some drawings on the wall.
"Did you draw these?", he asks over his shoulder. "Yeah", Even answers, flopping down on the white couch that is next to his bunk bed.
Eliott turns around and sits down on the couch as well.
As he keeps looking around the room, he notices three guitars, a red and grey electric one hanging up on the wall and a blue electric one right next to the couch.
"It's cozy in here", Eliott says, his eyes scanning the small table in front of him, which is filled with a few bags of weed and filters and other equipment to roll up joints.
"Thanks", Even replies, his long fingers getting to work on rolling up two joints.

Eliott knows that smoking weed and drinking alcohol isn't good for him and that it messes with his medication, but he pushes that thought aside. He could always deal with the consequences later. For now, all he wants to do is being in the moment with Even.

They chat about their past for a while, emptying their bottles of beer and passing joint after joint between them.
"Do you want to have kids one day?", Even asks after a while.
Eliott opens his eyes a bit, turning to look at Even. "I honestly don't know, like, fuck", he says, his thoughts feel like they've been whirled around in his brain like a mixer whirls dough around.
"I'd love to have kids, but not yet, of course, fuck no", Even says before he starts to laugh.
Eliott joins in, not knowing why but it sort of happens automatically.
Even's laugh is contagious.
"It's Friday, aren't there any parties happening?", Even asks after they've recovered from laughing.
"Yeah", Eliott hums, "I think the D building is hosting a party for the students from the B and C building tomorrow at their gym hall."
"And what about us? Are we on the list as well?", Even asks, taking a swig of the bottle of vodka that he'd taken out of their liquor fridge after their bottles of beer were empty.
"I think they're letting students from the A building in as well, so yep, we're on the list", Eliott answers and Even gives him a high-five.

Even checks his phone to see how much time has passed - 23:04.
"How about you come back over again tomorrow? We can hang out, study, and then attend the party together", he suggests to Eliott, who smiles. They're at the front door, Eliott is putting on his jacket and grabbing his backpack, swinging it over his right shoulder.
"That sounds like a plan", he says before letting his hand come up to Even's head, tugging at a few strands of hair that stick out from the rest of his hair.
"Thanks", Even says, blushing a bit.
"I'll see you tomorrow, I'll text you when I'm on my way so that you can let me in", Eliott says about to leave, but Even stops him by grabbing his arm. Eliott's thin, but his arms feel quite muscular, even through his jacket.

"Sounds great", Even says, and without hesitation he leans forward, pressing a kiss on the other man's lips.
Eliott, taken aback, turns around fully before returning the kiss, holding onto Even's waist.
The time seems to be frozen, Even feels as light as a feather, fearing that he might fly away at any moment.
They let go of each other to take a breath, both slightly flustered.
"Bonne nuit", Eliott says, leaning in for a kiss again before leaving, walking down the steps, and exiting the building complex.

Even closes the front door, leaning against it and breathing in and out.
"Good night indeed, Eliott", he whispers to himself before he gets ready for bed.

The party's definitely going to be exciting.


[Word count: 1130 words]

Oh, it's party time alright.
The lyrics at the top are from the song "Was ich brauch", "What I need" by egodd.

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