Chapter 9: The Confession

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Kamanari felt good to get out of the house again.  Ever since he was fired, he stayed inside brooding all day and night.  I mean who wouldn't? Damasu not only got him fired and stole all of his childhood friends, but he also stole the girl he loved. Everything that was going wrong in Kamanari's life was caused by this one guy.  He was going to take him down, and save Jirou.  Even if she didn't love him back, even if he never saw her again, he would not rest until she was safe.  

Kamanari opened the map Todoroki gave him, glancing at the remaining potential hideouts.  There five left uncrossed in the city.  He decided to check out each one until he found the right place, and then he would stake it out waiting for Damasu to return.  

The hiding spots were very creative.  The only reason Kamanari found them were because of the instructions on the map.

I guess Damasu had trouble finding these himself

Kamanari chuckled to himself as he opened the fourth spot.  Empty.


By process of elimination, the last location had to be the stash.  After walking for twenty minutes, Kamanari turned down a dark alleyway.

Whelp, this is the place

He turned over the map, looking for the directions.  There weren't any this time.  Kamanari pulled out his phone flashlight and looked around the alley.  There had to be some kind of door or building but all he could see were bricks.  Once again, he had been outsmarted by Damasu. In a fury of rage, Kamanari punched the wall.  He winced in expectation of pain, but it never came.  He punched the wall again.  It felt hollow and not at all like bricks.  He rubbed his fingers along the wall, finding what appeared to be a big piece of plywood painted over.  He pulled off the plywood cover to reveal a hidden door.

He was standing in a small room, containing a metal locker like the one he used back in high school.  A single lightbulb being the only other object in the room.  Kamanari slowly and carefully opened the locker.


He found everything.  The grey hoodie, the Stain mask, the knives, and even the belt of blood vials.  Now all he had to do was wait.  He perched himself on the rooftop of a nearby building with a perfect view of the fake wall.   No more than an hour later, Damasu came sneaking up.  Kamanari pulled out his phone and recorded him removing the plywood, and emerging from the room dressed as the copycat.  Then he pinged his location to his friends.  Sero and Todoroki would be watching for his signal, and agreed to come help once Kamanari found Damasu.  The plan was for Kamanari to observe Damasu and only engage once he had Sero and Todoroki with him, but Kamanari wasn't about to let him slip away again.

"You won't get away this time Damasu"

Kamanari leapt down from the building in a superhero landing.

"You can't just leave well enough alone.  I'm gonna make sure you stop bothering me.  Permanently" 

Damasu spun around in an instant, throwing two knives at Kamanari.  He dove out of the way, but Damasu was already on him waving his knife like a crazed lunatic.   Kamanari was on the defensive, parrying and dodging the strikes while looking for an opening to inflict some damage.  He saw one when Damasu lunged a little too far forward and his lead leg was off balance.  Kamanari stepped to the side, grabbed the knife, and threw Damasu over his shoulder exactly the way Deku taught him.  With some space between the two, Kamanari attempted an electric blast.


He finally managed to get a direct hit for once.  Damasu flew backward several feet, and Kamanari could see his body withering and spasming out from the electricity.  He suddenly felt light headed and staggered backward, clutching his forehead.  He looked down at his forearm and saw a knife sticking out it, the sleeve of his jacket stained with red.  Damasu slowly got back to his feet, his whole body smoldering while Kamanari ripped the knife out of his arm, chucking it aside. 

"Why are you doing this?  Why model yourself after a low life serial killer?

Kamanari shouted.  Damasu's smile turned into a scowl.  Kamanari could hear the malice in his voice.

"Heroes are all fake.  They never actually care about the people they're saving, they just want to make themselves look good.  My parents died because this stupid hero with nothing but a tail failed to rescue them from our burning apartment.  He wasn't worthy of being a hero so I ended his career" 

Kamanari felt like a knife had pierced his heart.


"I've killed many heroes"

Damasu went back to laughing.

"You should know that after I've had my fun with you, I'll kill everyone at that pathetic agency of yours.  I'll have to kill my cover girlfriend again, but oh we-"


Kamanari ran at Damasu in a blind rage, he wasn't sure what he was doing, but Damasu had threatened Jirou, and Kamanari wasn't about to let any harm befall her.  Unfortunately, Damasu knew exactly what he was doing, and he easily evaded Kamanari, countering with a brutal slash across his legs.  Kamanari instantly fell to his knees.

C'mon Sero and Todoroki.  Where are you guys?

Damasu was laughing uncontrollably now.

"Don't tell me you're actually in love with that ugly emo flat chested witch.  She's such a bore" 

"Then why are you dating her?"

Kamanari said angrily through gritted teeth.

"Why do you think stupid? Her agency has been investigating me.  They find my loose ends that I carelessly forgot about, and I then I tie them up easy peasy.  I've dated a lot of girls to hide from the police but she's hands down the worst one.  What is there to actually like about her?"

Damasu knelt down in front of Kamanari, poking his cheek.

"You don't know true beauty when you see it.  Kyoka is absolutely gorgeous.  She has been since I met her.  She's funny and kind, not to mention caring and optimistic.  Her voice is that of an angel and she's a super talented musician.  I've loved her for for years and I'm ashamed to say I never said anything about it.  She may hate me for the rest of our lives but I'll never stop loving her.  And if you think I'm just gonna sit here and let you kill her"

Kamanari struggled to get back to his feet.  His knees were shaking, but he couldn't let that stop him.  He had to go beyond to save her.

"Well think again"

Damasu ran his fingers along the blade of his knife.

"I'll be sure to tell her that she's only dead because of your failure"

Kamanari raised his arm to attempt another electric attack 


The wall was blown apart.  Bricks flew in every direction.  Kamanari and Damasu were both knocked off their feet from the blast.  Through the dust, Kamanari could see the silhouette of a single figure standing in the hole in the wall. 

Todoroki? Sero?

The person stepped forward and Kamanari gasped


Our Time Will Come (Kamijirou)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora