Chapter 5: The Hospital

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Kamanari slowly opened his eyes.  He was in a hospital bed.


He whipped his head around and saw Jirou leaning up against the wall.  There was no one else in the room.

"Hey yourself"

He was trying to wonder what she was doing here by herself, considering the way she was acting towards him on the patrol.  

Wait, the patrol. We were attacked!

"Wait what happened?  Is everyone ok? How long have I been out?

Kamanari started to panic but Jirou came over and grabbed his shoulder.  

"Chill out dude!  You've been asleep for four days.  The doctors said no major organs were struck, so you should be out of here in three week"

Kamanari was able to relax now that she was here comforting him.  He felt the butterflies in his stomach again as she kept her hand on his shoulder.

"As for what happened after you were knocked out, Todoroki and Tokoyami showed up.  He was no match for all of us, and he retreated shortly after.  We let him go, we just cared about getting you to a hospital in time" 

Jirou felt a buzz in her pocket. 

"The others are here now.  I'm gonna go let them in"

She said glancing at her phone.  Jirou turned to leave, pausing in the doorway.

"By the way, thanks for saving me...  Denki"

As Jirou left the room, Kamanari thought back to another happy memory he shared with the girl



UA 3rd Year Prom

Kamanari was hanging out with Shoji, Minetta, and Aoyama.  The guys who didn't come with a date.  


Present Mic yelled as he put on a romantic slow dancing song.  All the girls dispersed into the crowd to find their dates, leaving only Jirou behind.  Her eyes scanned the room, looking for one particular boy she wanted to dance with.  They locked eyes for a moment until Kamanari decided enough was enough, and he was finally going to do something about the way he felt. Shaking in his dress shoes, he slowly walked over to her extending his hand.

"May I have this dance?"


"Kamanari how ya holding up big guy?"

Kamanari snapped out of his dream.  Looking to the doorway he saw Kirishima waving to him followed by Midoriya.  The rest of his friends followed suit, Jirou coming in last.  They all talked about the battle between the copycat and how Kamanari almost died saving Jirou. 

"That was so sweet and noble.  Is there something between you two I should know about?"

After all these years, Ashido was still teasing them about being a couple.

"No No No there's nothing going on between me and Kamanari"

Jirou said that a million times back in high school, but she wasn't blushing or turning red like she used to.

"I have a boyfriend now" 

Kamanari hung his head. He knew he didn't have a chance anymore, but their interaction earlier made him slightly hopeful again.


Ashido was shaking Jirou begging her for details.  She sighed, knowing friend wouldn't stop unless she talked.  

"Fine fine"

Jirou said pushing Ashido away.

"His name is Damasu.  We've been together for three months"  

Jirou was suddenly swarmed with questions.  She couldn't tell who was asking what.

"What's his job?"

"What does he look like?"

"How tall is he?"

"What's his quirk?"

But Kamanari wasn't listening.  He knew that he lost his chance with Kyoka.  She was in love with some one else, and she was happy.  So he should be happy for her too right? 

But she isn't in love with me

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