Professor Reaper

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Teaching, for someone who has lived on this planet since the beginning of time I've never really taught anyone anything. Doesn't mean that I'm a bad teacher, I'm actually probably the best teacher for combat and history since I've learned every fighting style along with knowing every historic event known or unknown to man, but I do have one area of history I want to teach. I'm sure I'll be fine, I'm doing fine in teaching Ruby how hard can one class be?

As I said this my classroom doors opened up allowing students in. I sat up in my desk waiting for my students to sit down before I introduce myself and my class. As I looked over the students I noticed Ruby with her team which I gave a friendly smile which she returned. After everyone seemed to be settling in I stood up from my desk making my way to the board.

"Good morning class, my name is Grim Reaper. You can refer to me as just Professor Reaper or sir", I said writing my name on the chalk board.

"excuse me?"

I turned around to see Weiss Schnee holding her hand up. She had a confused look on her face which I could only guess was because of my name. I knew someone would ask about it, it's the name humanity gave me and someone taught me I should except it instead of hating it. Oh summer, such a kind soul.

"Yes Mrs. Schnee?", I said answering her request.

"Your name is literally the grim reaper? the king of death?", Weiss asked confused.

"This coming from someone who's last name means snow?", I countered.

"Touché", She said sitting back down.

"Well, my class will be teaching history but not the history of Remnant. The history of mythology from the ancient Greeks to Norse Mythology", I said while writing mythology on the board.

"What's so important about Mythology?", A student asked.

"Well Mrs. Scarlatine, Mythology is comprised of Mythical beasts along with stories. A lot of these stories have lessons hidden in them meant to teach a lesson. Mythology also has some stories that have to do with the Grim themselves. Do you know about an event during the Great War nicknamed "attack of the dead men"?", I asked. I looked around to see no one raising their hand.

"Interesting, during the Great War there was an attack onto Osowiec Fortress located in Mistral. During the Great War chemical warfare was used on both sides. Atlas sent a force of fifteen battalions for a full frontal assault with heavy ordnance to help. As they approached the fortress they deployed poison gas on the Mistral forces where the fortress was not well defended against poison gas. When the attack went underway the forces expected no resistance, but they were wrong. The Mistral forces that were able to fight did just that. The poison gases affected them so much that they were coughing up blood along with pieces of there actual lungs, also with the mixture of the moisture in their lungs and gas actually began to decay their skin. The atlas forces were so scared of Mistral forces look they instantly retreated. A term that would fit these men's condition would be "zombie", a person of the undead", I said seeing different reactions form the class.

"So they were basically deadmen walking?", one student asked.

"yes Mr. Tailor, these men were dying but they would protect that fortress with their last dying death. They had such a will and duty to protect their kingdom that even though they knew they were going to die they would die fighting. This shows us the power of the human spirit and our drive to never give up at times. True this isn't a mythological story it still shows how stories can hide a hidden meaning", I said leaning on my desk.

"So, since today is merely a get to know you day or a introduction to your classes I'll answer any questions you have about myself or anything pertaining to my class", I said. As I said this Ruby raised her hand which i nodded to.

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