Conflicts and Love

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Me: Welcome back all my loyal fans! I know that this isn't what you're used to. This is actually based off of a role play with a dear friend: Loa. Karma is her character and Wolfram is mine.


Inspired by Fools by Troy Sivan
Karma is a puppet demon from hell. He left hell and made a home in an abandoned theater. One day a boy comes to prove the rumor wrong and that the theatre was safe. He stays there now and since then he's been in a relationship with Karma. Some days are great! Some... wind up with conflict.

Karma was in his office rubbing his temples. He sighs and kicks himself for last night. Wolfram took out a sketch book and did a rough sketch before pulling out some paint. Wolfram felt tears fall from his eyes as he bites his lip to hold in a sob. He watches the paint drip with the tears and finds it oddly poetic. He scoffs. Wolfram puts the paints away and gets in bed. He drifts off into an uncomfortable slumber.

Karma comes down to Wolfram's room and peeks inside. He finds the male asleep and hangs his head. He didn't like the distance between them, but he didn't know what to say. He walks over to the bed and sits by Wolfram's side. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"I'm sorry..." He mutters.

Wolfram gives a scoff in his sleep.

Karma swiftly moves his head to catch the end of the action, but it didn't go any further. He realizes Wolfram is still asleep and lays beside him. He pulls Wolfram close so he can nuzzle into his neck. It didn't matter how many apologies were uttered Wolfram still woke up in an empty bed  smelling like Karma.

Wolfram can't help but to be disappointed and angry. He gets breakfast, ignoring Karma as much as allowed. Karma didn't really give Wolfram any space. Someone was with him at all times even if Karma wasn't. Wolfram was done with this back and forth. He storms up to Karma's office.

"Listen up, Karma! I'm sick of this bullshit!  Let's just apologize and forget it ever fucking happened! We were both hurt, let's fucking face it like men!"  Wolfram barges in.

Karma blinks a few times before leaning against his chair. " Wolfram..."

Wolfram gives him a look. "No. I'm gonna say my piece! Only fucking fools fall for you, I swear! But I'm one okay! I got rid of this fucking fantasy for a perfect relationship. If you want this to work you'll have to as well. No more houses on hills with childrens names! This is us. A demon and a werewolf. It's not gonna be the same! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I shouldn't have brought up your previous family."

Karma looks down at his lap with narrowed eyes. "I don't want to hear it. You knew that was a sore subject anyway."

Wolfram wasn't going to let Karma bully him in submission over this. He didn't mean it, it was a defensive reflex. "I 'm gonna tell you anyway. I'm sorry Karma. I know that won't make up for what I said. But, you have to at least hear me say it."

Karma let his eyes glow. He shuts the door with his strings. "Fine. You want to talk, dig the whole deeper."

Wolfram gulps, but takes a seat, determined. " I'm so sorry. I swear to you that I never consciously wanted to hurt you. It was a reflex. That's all. I know we don't always mesh well with our different backgrounds. But I don't care! I'll work on fixing myself, so don't give up on me!"

Karma doesn' have any change in expression, just watching closely. "No. I'm done. Get out."

Wolfram sits, shocked. He furrows his eyebrows and looks to Karma.

Karma glares and stands up, "Go!"

Wolfram struggles to understand what just happened. He gets up and hangs his head. Wolfram walks out of the office and to his room. He gets everything he can carry that was important and leaves. He keeps his head hung low and walks the streets to look for a place to stay.

"I miss the quiet nights part over ice and Tanqueray, but everything is shattering and it's my mistake..." He says to himself.

Karma swipes everything off of his desk in a fit of rage, and huffs. He falls to his knees on the ground, no longer angry, just sad. He lets his tears fall in the privacy of the office. He furrows his eyebrows.

"Never again." He mutters.

It wasn't until a few weeks later that Karma had come to the conclusion that head over reacted. He missed his wolfy and the whole theater was much more somber again. It wasn't the same. Karma rationalized that Wolfram had even apologised and took the time to explain. How he wished he had actually listened and not just heard. He had to get him back and it had to be him that did it.

Karma searched the streets, looking for Wolfram. He didn't see him anywhere. He tried the outskirts of town near the small forest. There he found a golden haired wolf sleeping in a glade. He runs over and scoops up the creature.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" He frowns.

Wolfram gives him a look. Karma would recognise that look anywhere. Wolfram pulls away from the hold and walks off. Karma hates that this must have been what Wolfram was feeling those weeks ago. He stands in front of wolfram and kneels down to be on the same level. Wolfram transforms back with a glare.

"What?" he asks.

Karma says, "I was wrong. You were right. I should have listened to you and it was a mistake not to. I'm sorry. I've thought about that fight a lot and you really tried to do what was right."

Wolfram looks away. " You have every right to choose if you forgive me. You chose."

Karma shouts, "Well, I take it back! I do."

Wolfram shakes his head, tensing. "I can't keep doing this..."

Karma is taken aback.

Wolfram takes a shuddering breath. "If we keep at it like this, breaking each other's hearts, we should just stop now."

Karma's face goes neutral. "You're giving up."

Wolfram doesn't reply.

Karma nods. "I see."

Karma walks off. Wolfram tackles him to the ground. He sobs and digs his nails in. Wolfram cries while Karma raises an eyebrow.

"I can't! Why!?" Wolfram asks.

"Come here you silly, wolf." Karma says and holds his arms out.

Wolfram dives into the man. He hugs him tightly, his crying hysterical. Karma closes his eyes and holds Wolfram. Karma rubs his back with one hand and the other holds his head.

Me: Well, enjoy! This was just something I had the inspiration to do. If you're seeing this, then that means I got permission from the most wonderful writer (besides myself) on Wattpad! Thank you Candy_heart_

Aka: Loa
Aka: Funda Panda

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