Chapter 10

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"It's up to you how you want to go about this.. we can inform the public and put you on bed rest, im sure this is a lot for you right now but yours and your groups career is taking off.. you have to make a decision on what to do next"

As stare blankly as his words process in my head.

'I don't feel like talking.. I don't want to be here'

"Y/n... Y/n.. Y/n!" I'm snapped out of my trance with Park Jin-young oppas words. "We need an answer, or your group is at stake here."

'I see.. I have to choose the right choice, or my members dreams will also be ruined.... what the fuc'

"We shouldn't release it to the public, id like to carry on as normal.. I don't want our careers to suffer from the minor set back, is that okay oppa?" I look at him trying to show hope in my eyes.

'Acting normal is exhausting..'

"If that's what you wish, if there's anything you need please, don't be afraid, we're all family here at JYP.."

I arrive back at the dorm to see everyone staring at me, obviously wanting to know my answer in today's meeting, and if I've ruined all their careers.

"I chose for this to be forgotten, we will continue as normal, this was nothing but a minor set back" I try my best to pull off a non forced smile before I'm suddenly brought into a hug by Momo-Unnie

"Y/n/n -chan.. I'm so sorry, I'm selfish in being happy by this right now" before I knew it I was in a group hug surrounded by crying members.

"No, it's okay. I'm sorry for putting our careers in danger" while hugging them back I quickly remind them to change the topic.

"Our mv is supposed to come out today... are you excited?" I ask while wiping away Chaeyoung-unnies tears.

The truth is, it has been months since filming for 'like Ooh Ahh' and it was finally going to released today, October 20th.

"We're supposed to do a v-live for our reaction, are you going to be okay?" Nayeon-Unnie asks while fixing my hair.

"It troubles me when you look at me like that" I Joke with them as a sign that I'm okay as they laugh softly before nodding their heads.

"I think I'm going to rest now, cmon Dahyun-Unnie" as I say that, everyone looks at me confused, as well as Dahyun, processing what I just said, I walk over to the wall and slam my head in it.... in my mind.

I feel my cheeks flush red as I play with the ends of my hoodie.

"Sorry, it's a habit.. Unnie has been climbing into my bed at night so now I feel like it's not right going to bed without her." While saying that, all eyes turn to Dahyun in shock as she hides behind her hair before their gaze returns to me, Momo looking especially pouty and grumpy.

"I- ill just.. go to bed now" while saying this Sana-Unnie skips and hops over to me, smiling brightly.

"I'm feeling tired as well Y/n-chan, shall we sleep together?...... not in that way tho" I laugh a little at what she said before nodding my head before Momo - Unnie stands up.

"Aniya, the bed is too small for two" as she says that Sana holds a smug glare in her eyes.

"But Dahyun was just fine sleeping with Y/n" Sana crosses her arms smiling in victory.

"That's because Dahyun isn't a big squirrel" as Momo says this Sana looks bewildered and a bit angry

"Momorinnnggg!! If it gets too crowded I'm sure Y/n can just sleep on top of me, now let's go" as she says that she pulls me away before Momo Unnie can respond.

I climb up the ladder into my bed with a unfazed expression before closing my eyes as I feel Sana Unnie make her way up and join me, instantly wrapping her arms around.


"Unnie.. you're drooling on my shoulder.."


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