I shook my head my head reading the comments.

"Wait" I said. "Wasn't Jay talking about how his money was stolen from the OP house."

"Yea and?"

"Asian just mentioned the OP house" I said showing her the comment.

"Rachel was there." NaeNae said grabbing her phone.

I picked up my phone to call Jay.



Rachel was at the OP house.

Yea, I know.

No. Didn't you say the other day that money was stolen?


Well she just posted a picture of her surrounded by money.

Pull up.

He hung up and I looked over at Jo'nae.

"Bitch we finna help the boys come on come on" She said rushing for me to get up.

This bitch get excited for weird things like we can be on our way to kill a mothafucka and she gon be smiling in the backseat.

We got dressed and sped to the trap.
Demarcus let us in smiling at Jo'nae. This nigga love her!

"Where's Jay?" I asked him he gestured upstairs. I went up to a glass room where he sat behind a desk. I walked in and approached him.

"Hey ma." He said smiling.

"Wassup. Why'd you ask me to come here?"

"I need your help." He said reaching for documents. "It's something about you females. Ya know how to dig and what I need you to do is dig. I need you to help me find out who been fuckin around wit my money." He handed me a folder of papers. It was labeled "Accounts".

"Here Imma show you what I showed Demarcus the other day." He pulled me on his lap and started switching through camera footage. He played a specific piece. The time jumped from 3:34 to 3:41.

"Pause," I said pointing at the timestamp. "The time jumped."

"Exactly that's what I'm trying to figure out." He said.

"Okay. So first of all someone deleted footage. More than likely the person who did it or had something to do with it." He knodded looking at me.

"Was there any broken glass? A broken door? Witnesses?" I asked him.

"We had guards here but they left before this happened. They both have alibis and proof of where they were. I know it's not them they don't have the guts." He said

"Was there any sign of forced entry"

"Nope." He said shaking his head.

"Okay. Then we are looking for someone that knows your routine, has a key, and a lot of money right now." I said looking through the documents.

"Why routine?"

"Because they knew what time the guards would separate which would give them enough time to come in here get what they needed and get out before they came back." He knodded looking at the camera footage.

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