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Adrenalin pumps through my veins in response to the increase in altitude. I have never been good on rollercoasters so naturally I would be a bit apprehensive about flying in an airplane. As the plane stops rising further onto the atmosphere and becomes stable, my heart rate decreases and the effects of adrenalin begins to disappear. But then I am reminded of my destination and suddenly my heart rate spikes again.

This time in excitement.

I have never been away this far from my family before. I have just completed my six year long medical degree as well as my one year of compulsory paid community service, and am about to tread on English soil for the first time in my life. Anderson’s Schoalrship Programme financed my studies and now I am required to work in my profession in London for two years.

This both excites me and scares me at the same time.

I have no family of friends in England. My fellow recipients of the Anderson funding have been stationed in different parts in Europe and North America so even they could not act as my companions.

I am looking forward to experiencing the culture of the English people. I daydream of walks in Trafalgar square and visiting the British museum. I close my eyes and put on headphones and play one of my favourite songs, “Maybe this time” from Cabaret, and I wonder at all the various opportunities that await me in London.

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