After laying on the couch after what felt like hours hut was really only about 20 minutes I got up.

I think there was something wrong with that mushroom.

All the colors began to melt and the walls twisted and turned as I looked at them.

I had to leave. I left my house, no shoes, no phone, just me.

I stepped into my yard and my grass was the softest its ever felt. Like someone had laid green pillows down for me to walk on.

I looked to sky and it was flaming blue with dark stars that poked through like holes in a a container but instead of light coming through it was swells of black. 

I felt myself lift from the grown and fly into space. I loomed down at the town, the state, the country, the earth and everything was so big

And I was just a small wave in an ocean.

Beautiful blue, as I floated through the stars and past the moon. I passed by every planets and waved to all the aliens as I went.

Space was white hot, ice crystals formed on my face and I felt like I was breathing slush, but it was warm.

As I floated to Andromeda I could feel myself being pulled back to earth.

As I passed by the stars I saw flashes of movies scenes but they were my life.

It was a long field covered in snow, Ivo and I lay of the snow, motionless in our jackets and boots.

"I'm afraid" I said to Ivo, but he didn't speak, he didn't speak for a long time. And I was scared and he said nothing.

As the music swells and the movie scene fades I plumit back to earth.

"You awake?" A voice said. My body ached

My eyes fluttered open.

I was in on my porch, sitting in my wicker chair. "What.." I mumbled

"Here, dear, drink this" the voice said again.

As my eyes focused saw a short woman, big red hair like she was from the 70s. She was maybe mid 50s

I reached for the cup but a pain shot up my arm.

I shrieked

"Ok dear calm down! Its ok!" She said setting the cup on the wicker table and touched my shoulder

"You fell off you roof, I think you might have broken your arm" she said

"The ambulance is coming"

I felt fuzzy, things started to fade out again and it all went black.

---Time skip-- sorry :(

I stared down at my cast as mrs McLeard drove me back to my house from the hospital.

I felt weak and sickly, not in a flu way but in a, this is my last drive before I die, type sickly.

We reached my driveway and I looked over at mrs McLeard, she pulled a small piece of paper from her purse and wrote her number on it, "if you need anything please call" she said

I nodded drowsily and took the paper and exited her car.

This all felt like a dream. As she drive away the world went silent, all that could be heard was my almost silent foot steps on the grass.

I walked into to my house, it was cold and empty.

I was ready for bed..

The sun was setting, a sleepy haze fell over everything as I made my way up the stairs to my room.

The sun rays came through my window like a flashlight, I shut my pastel yellow curtains and the room glowed.

I opened my drawer and pulled out of short soft pink nightgown that went shut above my knees.

Its been a while since I wore this thing.

I took off my clothes and slipped the nightgown on. As I lugged my heavy body to my bed. But before I could lay down someone knocked on my door.

I sighed, wanting to ignore it and just sleep.

I took a few breaths and walked back downstairs

The sun now shining a spot light on my front door.

The person knocked again.

"I'm coming!" I said weakly

I opened my front door.

Now, if I knew what was on the other side of the door, I would have just went to bed. Maybe I wouldn't have came home at all. But in all honestly I'm glad I did.

I gasped...

"Holy fuck"

Exist for Love.   A Dr Robotnik x reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora