Beginning of the Dead

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Under a cherry blossom tree stood a boy with brown hair and a girl with orange hair. They linked their pinkies together and made a promise. When we're older we'll get married. Standing a few feet away was their friend. She clutched the flower crown in her hand and looked towards the ground. Tears welled in her eyes as she tried to hold them in. She knew they liked each other but she still had hope the boy would like her more than her friend. Unable to hold them back any longer she watched as her tears dropped onto the ground. She remembers making a similar promise with him under the same tree. We'll be together forever. Though it hurt to know her affections would not be returned she realized as long as he was in her life she didn't care. She smiled and began running towards them wanting to show them her flower crown.

 For years she watched as her friends' feelings grew for each other. In those years she became better at hiding her feelings for the boy. She could see they loved each other but apparently not enough since the boy was reluctant to ask her out. Sadly, the girl's best friend was held back, having to repeat their second year. The boy and the girl wondered why she was held back. She was smart and a straight A student. They were concerned and confronted her about the situation. The girl just replied with one comment. You just wouldn't understand. He and the girl couldn't believe the words she uttered. Instead of pestering her they decided to give her space. But as the girl's best friend drifted from the group she found herself and the boy becoming closer. By the end of their first year the boy and the girl were a couple.

The girl was ecstatic to finally be with the boy, but she couldn't say the same for him. They were fine when they started dating but she began to notice the changes in the start of their second year. She wasn't in the same class as him sadly but, at least he had his best friend there and she came by everyday to eat lunch with him. That's when she noticed her best friend and his best friend were getting close two each other. She was happy for them and she thought he would be too. Unfortunately, she was wrong. The lingering stares. Sadness and longing in his eyes. She chose to ignore it at first. The girl just wanted to be blind to love even though she could see it hurt him when the two got together. All she could do was pat his shoulder and repeat the promise they made together when they were younger, we'll be together forever.

The boy sighed as he reminisced about the promise he made with the orange haired girl and muttered, "Pinky promise. If you lie I'll make you swallow a thousand needles." He was leaning on the stair railing looking at the clouds. He thought back to the conversation he had with his girlfriend.

He sat laid on his bed with his arms behind his head and legs crossed. He had school tomorrow and of course, as the high school student he was, he dreaded it. Slowly, he began to get lost in his thoughts when his phone rang. He got up, walked over to his desk, and grabbed his phone. Not bothering to look at the caller I.D. he answered it with a hello.

"Hey, Taka-chan! I'm bored so I wanna talk to you." The girl said happily.
'Taka-chan' walked back over to his bed and laid down. "You called me just because you were bored?"

The girl nodded then realizing he couldn't see her giggled saying yes. He rolled his eyes at her bubbly character. He always wondered how she was able to be happy all the time no matter the situation. When Rei started ignoring him she was there with a smile on her face ready to cheer him up. He didn't know that her bubbly personality came from her love for him.

Ever since they were young she loved him. She wanted to confess to him for a long time but when she found out that he loved Rei and Rei loved him she stepped aside so they could be together. Never in her wildest dreams did you believe that instead they would be a couple.
She rolled over onto her stomach with her legs swinging behind her. "So Taka-chan what are you doing?"

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