Another three dwarves were also among the surviving members of the strike team. Like the one that was basically carrying Razeem, these three all had battle axes that were as big as they were, if not bigger. They also wore a mixture of mail and plate armor around their torso, arms, and feet. They each carried a sword about the size of Razeem's as well, in case they lost or damaged their axes. Every one of them wore a matching helmet, which kept their faces and beards exposed and had a single horn centered on their forehead. The tunics they wore all had the symbol of their home, Dorsum, on the front and the back, which was a black bear with a single horn.

    Along with the four dwarves were four other paladins. Each of them wore armor that looked similar to the shining silver and gold colored armor Kabel wore, but bronze and steel colored instead, and with less shine. Like Kabel, they all had the symbol of the paladin order inset on their armor over their heart and on their back. The symbol of the order was simple, a hammer and a sword crossing each other with a scale hovering above it. The symbol represented justice, as well as the two weapons favored by the order of paladins. The symbol was also engraved on the shields held by Kabel, Razeem, and one of the other paladins. Razeem did not wear them symbol, since he was not yet an official paladin. The other four were simple human warriors from a nearby village who had volunteered to join Kabel on his mission.

    Once Kabel and the thirteen members of his strike team were on the roof they all took in a deep breath of fresh air. Besides the glow of fires that raged all around the stronghold, the sky was pitch black. Neither the moon nor any of the stars were visible tonight, something that Kabel assumed one of the Warlord's mages were behind. It was easy to tell from on the roof that the stronghold had belonged to the dwarves a few hundred years ago. Kabel and the dwarves were able to identify a few of the crumbling statues as heroes from Dwarven stories. The Stronghold was surrounded on all sides besides one by barren and ash covered plains. The stronghold sat right on the edge of a cliff, which surrounded the backside. Dwarves strategically built all of their castles and strongholds so that at least one side was impassible by foot soldiers whenever possible.

    The scenery only held their attention for a few seconds, however, before the Warlord's remaining forces took their attention. Forming a living wall in front of the group were about twenty loyal soldiers of the Army of Mythos. Most of them were humans or dwarves who had betrayed their people because of their lust for battle, or had simply been forced to work for Mythos. The strongest few of them were Liomen, a race that looked to be half lion and half man. The Liomen and a few other races were created by Mythos himself and served him with unbreakable loyalty. Razeem tied to get a look at the Warlord, who was behind the wall of Mythosian soldiers, but was unable to get a good look.

    "Surrender, Warlord Fithris, or face our end!" Kabel shouted out above the roar of the battle taking on the other side of the stronghold's walls. "You will be shown mercy, should you give yourself up."

    For the first time Razeem got a good look at Warlord Fithris. He was an Eagan, another of the races created by Mythos. Like the Liomen the Eagan looked to be half human, but instead of lion and tiger heads the Eagan had the heads of eagles. They also had razor sharp talons instead of fingers of their hands and had a pair of large wings. An Eagan's body was completely covered by feathers patterned like an eagle, just as a Liomen's is completely covered in lion or tiger fur. Warlord Fithris was stronger than most of the other Eagan and was able to hold a two handed sword in each hand. He screeched, his way of laughing, before pointing one of the swords towards the group that had invaded his stronghold. His voice sounded like a human's but with a bird like quality to it as well. "You are as foolish as the Cyclops if you think I will surrender to you, Warden Windrift!" His soldiers charged forward as he screeched out again.

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