Chapter 2

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        In the next town, we had made a cardboard box, that looked like a home at least, though it was small and shaddy. I couldn't even fit alone. Once we came to the town, everyone didn't help us, they instead thrown rocks at us and laughed. I then lost my trust on people completely. I didn't want to trust people who had tormented us for years. 

" Hey, are we gonna live here for now on?" Hoshiko asked me. I nodded.

" Just until we have found a way to get money and then we would then get a home." Hoshiko nodded.
" Why? Do you have a problem with this house?" Hoshiko shook her head quickly. I already knew she had missed our parents. No child should ever had to see their parents lying on the ground dying. I put my hand in my pocket and remember that I have my mother's bracelet. I took it out and looked at it. It was neatly decorated with floral print and with a tint of light blue. Hoshiko looked over my shoulder and glanced at the bracelet.

" You still have that?" I nodded.

" This is the only thing that we have left." I looked at Hoshiko and grabbed her hand. She looked like Mom and I now she wanted to have such a thing. 

" Huh? Don't you want it?" 
" It's not my style. Besides, you look so much like her."  Hoshiko smiled at that. Jun and I looked like our dad with the black hair and dark brown eyes. Jun then came back with food in his arms. 

" Where did you get that food?" I asked. 

" I have so few tricks up my sleeve," he said while grinning, but I had a sick feeling in my stomach. 

" It's bad to steal food Jun," Hoshiko scowled him.

" It's what we need to survive and besides, the owner wasn't mad. He was quite happy that I took his food without even asking." 

" Nice try," I said while nervously smiling. Jun continued to grin and shared out the food between the three of us.

" What! You're leaving me here?!" Hoshiko complained. Jun and I decided that we would try to find some new shelter, since the old one is starting to fall apart.

" We'll only be gone for a day. You can stay here by yourself," Jun said.
" No way! I want to come too!" 

" Well, you can't," I said while folding my arms. " You need to keep this safe, just in case some people come and beat it down." Hoshiko pouted, but she understood and stayed behind. Jun and I started walking out of town to find some place on the outside. 

" Do you see a good spot?" Jun asked.
" No. Man, we're not gonna find anything at this rate are we?" Jun sighed.

" Guess we better head back or Hoshiko is gonna cry her eyes out." As I was about to move, a sword was inches from my chest. 

" What?"
" Give us everything you have!" I looked up to see a robber.  

" We don't have anything! Leave us alone!" Jun shouted. He grinned and grabbed my arm. 

" What the hell are you doing?!" 
" Since you don't have anything. I will just take your life instead." 
" Let go!" I shouted. Just as the sword was about to slice my chest, Jun came in front of me. The blade sliced his chest and his shirt. The robber let me go and ran. Jun fell over with blood pooling around him.

" Jun! Don't do this!" I put my hand on his wound, but it was across his chest. I wouldn't have been able to stop the bleeding at this rate. 

" Ellen...keep living....and protect....Hoshiko." Those were his last words before his skin had turned pale and stopped moving. I didn't see any life left in his eyes. I started to cry silently as I held my brother in my arms. 

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