Chapter 15

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Josef POV
Today we are going to test the improved product on the subjects...well at least what is left of them since 75 percent of the original batch are deceased and unfortunately no detectable pattern has been seen yet...

I try to be nice to them but,they don't make it easy for me.. at first I always tried to smile at them to make a more positive enviroment..but they never even looked at me as I did the injections..and even if they did ,it was always with I gave up on this whole "positivity" thing

I find myself feeling sorry for them and hating them at the same time...I mean it's not my fault that you are's not my fault that I'm better at surviving

And are these many uniform people needed at a laboratory?These place is filled with too many idiot soldiers...eventhough I know I have a higher ranking than them,I'm just uncomfortable with people watching my each and every move

And the worse ones are those high ranking government officials with fancier uniforms and medals attached to them..coming every now and then calling me "the new young talent" and expecting results..I'm not a fucking miracle needs patience

"Ptooey" I suddenly find myself spitted at by one of my subjects..oh how fucking brave you are

As I look for a paper tissue in my lab coat pockets I hear a soldier say "You fucking bitch..disrespecting the Doctor!Maybe you should be taught some manners!"

I look at the subject...she was scared shitless..huh..should have thought of that before spitting at my face!

I give a stop hand gesture to the soldier"Please..please let her be..It's ok!I need this one..she is showing some promising patterns."

Not that I care about her or what happens to her..I started to feel numb towards these poor unfortunate souls a long time ago...I just don't like things getting messy
It's about 6 o' work is finished and I can't wait to go home...knowing Rose is there just makes me happy...I know she is not eagerly waiting for me...but I can only hope that she someday will..

As I try to reach my car I see a little kid running towards me...he probably doesn't have any business with me..he is probably just  playing some game with his friends...

"Sir Stop"I hear the boy yell

He stops infront of me to catch his breath..and he quickly puts a piece of paper in my hand

"Sir,this is for you"Says the boy and quickly runs away

"Wait..wait..kid!"I yell out but he doesn't listen

I unfold the piece of paper...

  Divorce her you psycho bastard!
           She doesn't love you!

My hands start to shake as I read these words...who could this be?

"It's her lover..she has a lover..she is cheating on poor psycho bastard!"The voice in my head says

" is not.."I whisper to myself

"Yes,she is..and she has poured her guts out for him as well..look! Her boyfriend knows you are a psycho..haha."

"Face it Josef  you are a cuck..and you always will be a cuck!"

"Shut up..shut up!"I say in a loud voice

"Hey dude..why are you talking to yourself?"Says a teenage boy from the distance

I quickly get on the car to avoid more embarrasment...

"You are a natural cuckold Josef...Elena used to say she loves you everyday and even she cheated on you!Rose doesn't even love you!This was inevitable... Sooner or later she was going to cheat on you's nice that you've found out now!Let's kill this one as well!"

"I didn't kill Elena..I didn't kill Elena"I repeat to my self
"Hi!"Rose greets me with a smile..

"Hi honey!"I smile back at her...but I know she will notice that something is wrong with me..

"Are you ok?Did you have a bad day?"She asks me

"Yeah..yeah..I mean no! I'm ok"I reply

" Mrs.Davis said that she usually cooks your dinner and leaves it in the fridge and I said to her that she doesn't need to that anymore!I'm gonna cook dinner from now that..ok with you?"She ask

"Yeah...I can't wait to taste your food..I just go to the garden to smoke.Call me when it's ready ok?"
She brought us two plates of pot did look delicious and it's taste was also really good

I didn't say anything during the dinner..I was afraid that she has a lover and this is all gonna happen to me again..I couldn't ruin this moment.. she had cooked for me and now she is chit chatting with me about her day and asking how was mine...just like how I pictured our life

After dinner I asked her to stay in the dining so I can talk to her about it...

"Did you enjoyed it?"She asks while sitting back to her chair infront of me

"It was perfect..thank you."I reply

"I'm glad you liked it..did you want to talk to me about something?"She asks

"Yeah..Rose, you know what I'm most afraid of?"I ask calmly

""She asks back

"I'm afraid of losing you.."I reply

"You are not going to lose me Josef..I don't have anybody but you."She replies and tries to reach to my hand ..

Before she could reach it I put my hands off of table "Are you sure?"I ask

She got a little bit worried because  I rejected her hand "Yeah..I'm sure..are you ok?"

"Didn't you have any lovers before marrying me?A kind of exlover that may stalk you?"I ask still trying to keep my cool..yeah maybe it was just a letter from a stalker exlover...that would explain everything..please say yes

She starts to play with her hands a little bit..uh oh bad sign "No..nobody has ever loved me but you...where is this coming from?"She asks

"It's coming from this."I reach my pocket to hand the paper to her

She unfolds it..she looks shocked..I don't know if it's a bad sign or good sign

""She murmers

"Apperantly he knows that I'm a psycho must have told him everything ha?"I say sarcasticlly but with rage

" haven't told anybody..."She stutters out

I get up and walk in steps towards her...she gets up from her chair and walks bakwards until her back hits the wall " this..coming from?Where is this coming from Rose?"I yell these words out 

She starts shaking "I..I think.."

I take a deep breath to calm down...I don't want to scare her..she is still my Rose..I caress her upper arms "What do you think?"

"I think it's my brother...I saw him today when I went to buy the dress...he was very displeased of me marrying you..and I swear I didn't tell anybody about your condition...I mean..people call each other psycho all the time.."

"She is lying..she is lying" the voice keeps repeating

I sigh in relief"No she is not.."I say to my self..

"What she is not?"Rose asks

"Sorry..I wasn't talking to you..I believe you Rose..but,considering my job it is dangerpus to see your can get both us into trouble."

"I didn't mean to see was an accident..I'm so sorry."she says with her head down

"It's ok..Rose promise me something.."

"Promise what?"

"Promise me that if you ever felt that you are unhappy with me you would  ask for a divorce ok?Just...just don't cheat on me.."

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