Part 16: Things turn to the better

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We were, once again, gathered in the big room to plan this whole thing. Or at least try. Hopefully it doesn't end like last time.
And surprisingly, it didn't!
We were just talking calmly about everything, making plans on what to do.
Notch looked kinda sad and guilty, but he hid it and just worked. Hero on the other hand looked absolutely miserable. He looked like he just cried for many, many hours and his eyes were red and puffy. He didn't participate in any of our plans, he just sat there, staring at the table emptily. Reddie say next to him, having an arm on his shoulders and gently keeping him close. Hero leaned against him, still fully empty as Red softly rubbed over his shoulder.
Nightmare didn't seem to mind at all tho, he just sometimes glanced over to Hero. No matter what, he'd always watch over him.
I wonder why.
"So... Basically, our best shot is to go to the city this thing was at before and find out as much as we can about this being?", I asked. Notch nodded as Jeb replied: "Right. But at the same time, we have to be really careful since it could still be roaming around. And if we get spotted, I doubt that we can be fast enough to run away." Red went a bit pale as he heard that. "Is this thing really that fast...?", he whispered. Nightmare nodded. "Yes. It is. Besides, it's flying around, so it's even worse. And it can basically freeze time and shit." Reddie understood and nodded, really pale. He snuggled close to Hero, who softly hugged him back, gently caressing his hair.
Notch sighed quietly. "Now.... What else is on the agenda for today?", he asked. Jeb looked at his notebook where he had everything written down. "Nothing. If no one else has questions, we seem to have everything done now.", he explained. I sighed. "Great, now we finally have that done." Jeb chuckled a little bit at my reaction. "So exhausted already, huh?", he asked jokingly. I nodded, honestly exhausted.
Not only mentally, but also physically.
I sighed and wantede to get up when Nightmare noticed something. "Hey... We forgot talking about something, didn't we?", he asked. Notch sighed a bit. "What is it this time, Nightmare?", he asked a bit annoyed. Jeb noticed what he meant and gasped happily. "You didn't forget it!", he giggled. Nightmare smiled a bit. "Do I look like I'd forget your b-day, buddy?", he replied calmly.
Notch facepalmed, honestly disappointed in himself. "Wow, even he managed to remember it, and I didn't!" Jeb pouted cutely. "Seriously? You forgot about that?" Notch nodded shyly, definitely hiding something. Jeb frowned and tilted his head. "You didn't, did you...?", he very slowly and hesitantly asked. Notch literally had the most massive grin on his lips as he lied: "Nah, I forgot about it, man. Hate to break it to ya." Jeb grinned too. "You're such a bad liar."
We others either were confused, or just felt awkward as all heck. SInce we didn't know what else to do, we just decided to play along.

It was already late as we were sitting in a nice room with a few couches and a TV, binge-watching a lot of series with a mug of hot chocolate in everyones' hands and with plenty of cookies.
Reddie snuggled up to Hero a bit, already asleep. Hero gently caressed his hair, watching the movies with us. Jura was asleep too, halfway lying on me.
I didn't mind too much, already used to this stuff. He did sleep a lot on top of me, even if I didn't expect it. It could also be that I wake up in the morning with a sleeping Jura on my chest, pressing all the air out of my body. I'm just glad he didn't do that this time.
I sighed softly and sipped some of my hot chocolate as he snuggled into my belly, which he lovingly started calling a "Chubby, fluffy pillow".
Notch smiled a bit as he saw that. Jeb managed to fall asleep on Nightmares' shoulder, snoring very quietly, the crown of leaves he usually wore on his head lying on his lap. Jerry was still fully awake, calmly watching and nibbling on a cookie.
All in one, it was pretty nice and very comfortable.
Notch eventually turned off the TV, yawning a bit. "We should head to bed now, don't you think?", he asked. I nodded a bit, sighing. "Sounds good... It's pretty late already."
We went to our rooms, bringing all the sleeping people with us.
I flopped down in bed after putting Jura down, almost immediately falling asleep. He immediately snuggles up to me, snoring quietly.

Little did we know that we were being watched by someone. The woman grinned a bit.
"What do you say, is it time?~", she asked. The other person, a male, lit a cigarette, calmly humming. "Mmh... Well, I'd wait until everyone is sleeping before we go inside. We cannot risk getting found, Libitina."
Libi sighed a bit. "Yeah, yeah, Entity. But you do realize that smoking near a castle and a ton of TNT isn't good either?", she grumbled. Entity threw her a little glare. "Keep your voice calm, Libitina. I'm not putting up with your bullshit.", he said calmly, puffing his cigarette. She grumbled a bit under her breath and continued watching the castle, waiting until they were all asleep.

(Short chapter, but a damn good cliffhanger, eh? >:3)

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