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3rd person view:
4th of August xxxx (15 years old)

Everything went normal that day expect for Rintarou being unusually quiet. He didn't even have a little verbal fight with one of his cousins. That barely happens. It was obvious that he was thinking about something but the others didn't bother to ask. They wouldn't get a proper answer anyway.

The thing that kept him from talking was the conversation the day before. That thing with his job. He liked the idea of becoming a YouTuber. It would be perfect for him and he knew it. Getting out of the house to get to work? A no go. Working under someone else? A no go. He wanted to do his own thing but why bother making an own brand or something if he could just be a YouTuber? It was obvious he likes the idea. Almost too obvious.

Just as every other day he keeps his distance from his cousin he spends his day in his room. By now he was sure he wanted to do it. So the questions came up like, name? Content? Instagram account that isn't just for people he knows? He pushed the last question away because he won't need it. The possibility that he'll get famous was pretty low in his opinion. He was sure about the content though. Gaming. He loved playing games. Why would he do something else?

The hardest question was the name. He could just use the account he was using so far but he didn't want that. He had that for way too long and didn't want to make the impression that he deleted something. That was completely stupid but let him live in his world. He definitely didn't want his name involved in it, that was for sure. The first thing that came to his mind was something with 'fox'. He loved foxes and many people told him that he kind of looked like one. Not that he cared about that. He had a name in mind.

Next question, where would he get a capture card and a microphone from? He had quite some money saved so that wasn't the problem. Besides, he was raised in a rich family, money really wasn't a problem here. But he didn't have the guts to go to town and buy them. And ordering didn't sound good either. Waiting wasn't something he wanted to do. He could ask his mother but he cringed at that thought. But in the end he just walked over to his parent's and wanted to ask them. His father was out of town so it wasn't 100 percent cringe. He only had to talk to his mother.

'You can do this. Just believe.'

He got into the house with his fingerprint.


"I'm in the kitchen!"

He walked into the kitchen and saw his mother... baking a cake?

"What are you doing?"

"Can't you see? I'm baking a cake."

"I can. But why?"


"I- okay."

"So, what is it? I'm sure you wouldn't come over if there wasn't something bothering you. Besides, I can tell from your voice that there is something."

"Ah- well- how do I say this?"


"You remember that conversation from yesterday, right?"

"That about the soulmates or that about your job?"


"Of course I do. Did you finally realise that you want to do it?"

"I- what?"

"It was obvious that you wanted it. Don't act like you didn't now."

"I know it myself. But it seems weird."

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