Chapter 2: New Feelings

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[Small Author note: So I'm gonna try something new and make this story a bit more mature. So be warned because there's probably gonna be cringe, I think. I'm not so sure I've never really done this before, so try your best to not get cringed out. Sorry in advance.]

Lin continued to read the simple story, it continued to be normal and Lin was actually starting to enjoy it now. Puro sat beside Lin still, enjoying the story too, eventually Lin was reading one of the chapters until stumbling onto a specific part as he slammed the book shut. "Uhhh. . .let's not continue to read this chapter!" Lin said nervously as Puro was very confused. "Huh? How come? I was just starting to enjoy it more." "Umm. . .w-well because of umm. . .nothing important! I'm just. . .tired!" Lin was sweating alot now, Puro was still confused and attempted to fix the situation. "Oh, well, then how about I read it instead! I'm not tired so it should be easy for me! All you have to do is sit back and relax." Puro smoothly said. Lin thought for a moment before sighing, there was no way out of this situation. "Alright then. . . .read away." Lin did a fake smile, on the inside he knew that something was gonna happen.

Puro seemed pretty excited about this, reading was one of his favorite activities so that would explain his excitement. Puro would instantly start reading, so far not having any trouble reading the paragraph. Lin on the other hand was pretty nervous about this, he only had a tint of hope that this chapter won't be what he thinks it's about. So far things were fine, Puro was reading happily and Lin was a nervous wreck, sweating and just waiting patiently as he continued to listen. Soon Puro was still reading until suddenly stopping, he seemed a little confused at the moment. This brought up a bad feeling in Lin along with a bit of curiosity with it too. "Huh. . .Lin do you want me to read this part?" Puro causally said, this made Lin let out a sigh of relief. Puro would definitely have a different reaction if it was anything odd. "Oh, well. . .sure! I can listen for a few more moments." Lin happily said. Puro simply nodded as he started to read more into this chapter, but there was one thing off. It wasn't so inoccent as Lin thought it was, infact it was the complete opposite. Lin went wide eyed and immediately looked away as he was blushing quite alot at the moment. Did Puro even know what he was reading? Lin just sat there, sweating and getting redder by the minute as the reading continued.

Eventually Lin had to attempt to drown out the sound of Puro reading due to him feeling bad, he felt like he caused this, he felt like an idiot, of course the book was going to be bad. How did he not see it? Lin sighed as he continued to sit there as Puro causally was smiling and reading this, having no idea what he was reading at the moment. Puro glanced at the sweating and very red Lin as he stopped reading and gave him a concerned and confused look.

"Lin? Are you okay? You seem to be sweating alot there." Puro said as the concern in his voice raised a bit, Lin quickly looked back at Puro, as he gave him a fake smile, yet it was pretty easy to tell that this smile was hiding all the nervousness inside of Lin at the moment. "Y-Yeah! I'm just. . .hot?. . .Yeah, I'm super hot right now." Lin attempted to make an excuse to which Puro was not buying, though Puro decided to not acknowledge this to much. "Oh, really? It's super cold for me!. . .Maybe your just nervous about something?" Puro tilted his head a bit when he said this, now giving Lin a more confused look. This made Lin even more nervous and sweat more now, he knew he would have to tell Puro the truth, but how? He just didn't know how to put it into words so he gave up. "I think it's because I'm t-tired. . .yeah! I'm just exhausted, maybe we could finish this tomorrow?" Lin just wanted a way to get out of the situation for now, Puro marked the page they were on and closed the book, nodding in the process.

"Oh! I understand! Don't worry Lin, we can finish this tomorrow." Puro happily said, Lin let out a long sigh of relief as he got up. "Okay, perfect! Just give me a minute I'll be right back." Lin then would start to walk the other way, starting to go into the Kitchen area of the house. Lin grabbed some fresh and clean water from the half old, yet modern like fridge, drinking it before going back to the living room part of the house. He stopped suddenly as he realized Puro was gone, Lin looked around confused while having a bit of worry on his face. Until suddenly he felt a pair of hands pin him on the ground. . .or paws?

[Chapter 2 End.]

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