Chapter 1: An Urge

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After a long and well deserved rest, Lin would yawn and wake up from the bright morning sun. Lin was so tired last night he decided to just sleep on the floor while Puro on the otherhand just flopped on the giant beanbag and fell straight to sleep, or atleast that's what Lin saw. He didn't really remember.

"Morning Puro." Lin said in a tired voice while rubbing his eyes as he slowly sat up. Looking around he realized that Puro wasn't sleeping on the beanbag, nor was he anywhere, Lin started to have an overwhelming feeling of confusion. Until he realized something was laying on him at the moment, or someone? Lin looked down to see none other then Puro, sleeping right on him and somehow he didn't wake up when Lin sat up.

Lin started to get a small blush, which was growing bigger and redder. Looking at the position Puro was in and the fact that Lin sat up, he couldn't really get up without waking Puro up and of course Lin was worried that if he tried laying back down Puro would still wake up. Lin started to get a feeling which was building up more, a feeling of confusion on what to do. After a minute of Lin sitting there quite awkwardly he was starting to get a new feeling. This feeling was different, as if it was more like an urge, yet Lin didn't seem to have any knowledge on what this urge could be. Well actually, he did have A idea on what it could be, but he didn't want to think about that at the moment. But it did feel. . .odd, that's all Lin could think of about it.

Lin's thinking was interrupted by the rustling of Puro's fur as he slowly started to shift his movement and wake up, yawning and seeming relaxed at the great amount of sleep he got last night. This relaxation couldn't last long as Puro went wide eyed when he stared up and was looking at Lin who was staring down at him, blushing madly at the situation they were in. Puro went immediately red and got up as quickly as possible.

"I'm v-very sorry about that!" Puro cried out in embarrassment as he continued on. "I-I didn't mean to!" Puro was overwhelmed with embarrassment, how could he not? He basically cuddled Lin and layed on him the entire night by accident? Most likely not but of course Puro wouldn't admit that.

"N-No! It's fine!- I m-mean. . . .you know what I mean!" It seemed like Lin was even worse then Puro, not having the words and the audacity to tell Puro he actually secretly might have enjoyed the snuggles and cuddles. Puro's fur and warm tail combined with Lin's fur felt like heaven for Lin, his blush growing more as he thought about it more.

"Just. . . .nevermind." Lin let out a sigh of relief, the amount of embarrassment he felt was unbearable at the moment. Puro's embarrassment was growing too, he decided to change the subject. But he couldn't necessarily find anything to talk about, conventionally enough, they had food and water. So trying to change the subject to finding food or water isn't an option. But this gave Puro an idea, a way to change the subject.

"Ummm. . .well. . .maybe you should eat? I'm sure your umm. . .hungry right?" Puro was having the most trouble, attempting not to stutter. He really was shy, which isn't a surprise. Lin felt relieved, unlike others may think, he wasn't like anyone else. He wasn't so comfortable to causally make flirts or talk to Puro about things like this, or well. . .it isn't actually that Lin is uncomfortable with it. He just doesn't seem to have the confidence. Well. Not yet atleast, but it's not like Lin would know that. Snapping back to reality, Lin would attempt to forget everything that just happened at the moment and simply nodded, he decided that it would be best if he didn't speak. Probably because he believed he would stutter, which to him would make the situation more embarrassing then it already is.

Puro did a sigh of relief, not wanting it to be heard. Eventually Lin would quickly walk past Puro, going into the kitchen area of the house to most likely make food. On the way, Lin kept thinking about that specific urge he got. It felt like this morning embarrassment was dragging on, but he wasn't so worried about that anymore. Not being worried about this odd urge, but confused. . . .he decided to not think about it and shove it off, giving himself false hope that it was nothing. . .nothing at all. Even then. It still crept over him.

Puro, completely unaware of this would sit down on the big and comfy beanbag, reading a book. Not a surprise. Eventually Lin would finish eating and let out a long sigh, these thoughts he was getting, he just couldn't stop thinking of that one moment. What is this urge? Lin couldn't even tell what it felt like, he just wondered. He knew this urge was his body's way of telling him something, that made sense of course, but he just didn't know what it could be telling him. More thinking passed by, Puro was so caught up in his book he didn't notice Lin was gone for so long. A thought came over Lin, an idea on what this urge that overcame him could be. He didn't want it to be true, but something about his mind told him that it was. Putting one hand over his face, while his other arm's elbow was resting on the table, Lin felt terribly embarrassed at this thought. Telling himself his mind was wrong, but was it? He didn't want to know.

"Hey Lin? Are you okay? You've been sitting there for a while so. . .I just came in to check if you were okay!" Puro walked into the kitchen, seeing the embarrassment and very red Lin. Lin felt a wave of worry wash over him, each wave getting bigger as he tried to find an excuse why he was acting like this. "O-Oh it's umm. . .nothing! Nothing at all! I'm fine, I just got caught up in thinking. That's all." Lin tried saying this in his usual and casual tone, but he knew it had a tint of worry in it that he hoped Puro wouldn't notice.

Puro's curiosity grew along with a small bit of confusion with it, he noticed the little sound of worry coming from Lin's voice, but he decided to ignore it and just thought of it as Lin having an aftermath effect from that morning embarrassment. "Oh, alright then! Anyways I was wondering if you wanted to possibly read with me? I found a book on the floor of this house yesterday! So I thought we could both take a look at it." Puro said happily, snapping Lin out of his thoughts. Lin got a passionate smile on his face as he nodded.

"A mysterious book you found on the ground of this house yesterday that you now want to read? Sure! It sounds like a fun idea!" Puro's face lit up in joy as he sat down. "Perfect! Then we might as well read here. I want to see what this book is about!" Lin's smile grew bigger at Puro's adorableness as he sat down next to him. "Alright then, show me this mysterious book." Lin had a bit of excitement in his voice as Puro would pick up the heavy book, setting it on his lap and looking at the title. "It's just called. . .Steamy. . . .that's an odd name for a book but okay!" Puro said innocently as Lin's eyes widened, he knew exactly what type of book this would be. Romance, and by the look of the title, it was going to be pretty bad.

"Ummm. . .maybe we should read another book! This one. . . .ummm. . . .just let's not read this one-" Before Lin could finish his sentence, he was cut off by Puro. "Why not? You don't even have to read if you don't want to!" Puro said happily, Lin's eyes went even wider when Puro said this. Reading this would be hard enough but if Puro would read it outloud? Lin just couldn't have that happen.

"No no no no! You u-uhh. . .don't have too!" Lin nervously said, starting to sweat now. Puro's innocence was the number one thing Lin loved about him besides his cuteness, he didn't want it to be ruined by this book. "Huh?" Puro said in a confused voice, he didn't seem to get why Lin was acting so nervous about reading this book. The title seemed quite normal to Puro. Puro eventually thought of an idea, and thought he knew what Lin meant. "So are you gonna read it outloud? If so then I would love to hear that! I'm sure your an amazing reader!" Puro slightly exclaimed. Lin was starting to sweat more now, Puro didn't get what he meant. Lin was overwhelmed with thoughts, alot of them. Eventually he got the inoccence out of him and had a happy thought, maybe this book wasn't super bad. Maybe it's just the title is misleading? Lin nodded to himself at the thought, giving the book a chance wouldn't hurt.

"Well actually. . . . .sure, I'll give the book a chance." Lin said happily, yet with a tint of nervousness and worry in his voice at the same time. Puro on the other hand seemed very excited at this, having a passionate smile on his face. "Alright then! It seems like I'm the story listener this time." Puro excitedly said. Lin would take a deep breath, before opening the book to it's first page, the page had a ton of words on it and by the looks of it, it was going to be a very long book.

Puro, still sitting by Lin would look at the book with interest, eventually Lin would start to read the first page. The book was actually off to a normal and basic start, the story starting off with the main character at home. Giving the reader an explanation on who they are. Lin had a tint of a feeling that this book would be normal. Atleast. That's what he hoped.

[Chapter 1 End.]

[Small Author note: Before I get asked questions about why this book is very short paced, remember. I said this in the description of this book that this book would be about Lin and Puro more. Instead of Action and Drama. That is why this book will only be about their moments and will be very short paced. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!]

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