The answering machine peeped before going silent. I sighed gently. Royce has been by my side for the past four years and he means so much to me. I'd hate to imagine my life without him in it and I don't want to. I can’t wait until he returns from flight school for good so we can truly start our life together, because this distance is challenging. Royce and I are pretty good with dealing with distance. He is always on the go and I've grown accustomed it, but there are times that it gets to me, like now. He has been so busy with school that we barely have time to talk. Luckily his message did calm my nerves just a bit. I was making sure the house was secured for the weekend, ignoring the kitchen altogether. Dishes were the devil. They can wait until I got back. I began packing my bag for the weekend when the front door thrust opened.

"Okay! Chop Chop! We've got to get on the road!" Catherine yelled.

"You do realize I'm actually 10 ft away from you." I said.

I don't think she can use her inside voice if she tried. Ignoring me, Cat grabbed my bag in one hand and grabbed my arm in the other, before tugging me to the door.
"Geez at least allow me to put out food for Spot." I said.

Cat whined, but released my arm and headed out the door. Making sure Spot had sufficient food to last him till I got back I locked up the house and left. Mom promised to check on him while I was gone. I stared in the rearview mirror as my yellow and white home quickly came out of view. Royce's grandfather left his house to him after he passed away. Royce quickly fixed it up and asked me to move in with him right after we graduated. It was a big step for us, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Can you believe it?! Tomorrow I will finally be the big 24!" Cat squealed.

"Every age that you turn it's a big number." I said.

"Because, Ava, every age is big. Every age is a new blessing and a new journey." She said.

"Okay hallmark, so what's apart of your journey this time?"

"Finding me a nice sugar daddy to spoil me." I snickered instantly. "How do I know what you will say before you say it?" I asked.

"What? No longer will I have to subject myself to teaching hormonal teenagers. I can travel the world, drink the most exquisite wines and shop to my heart's content." She said.

"I got to admit that does sound appealing. A nice looking sugar daddy minus the sugar." We laughed together.

I met Catherine our senior year of high school. We have been glued to the hips for the last seven years now. She is my exact opposite, loud, fun, eccentric, unpredictable and always open and ready to try new things. As for me on the other hand, I'm quiet, predictable, hate coming out of my comfort zone and only allow myself to have fun if it's planned and organized. People always wondered how we could stay so close for so long, but in all honesty she compliments me just right. We just fit.

"What's so special about this party that we have to go way to Seattle to attend it?" I asked.

Cat usually plans out her own parties and events. In all the years I've known her, she has never just went to someone else's party to celebrate her birthday.

"It's Masquermania silly!" She said.

"Masquer what?..." I asked.

"Ava, it's Masquermania." She dragged out incredulous. "I'm beginning to think that you don't listen to me. Reynolds Inc just opened up a new hotel in Seattle. So, to celebrate it's grand opening, their having a huge Halloween party." She explained.

I barely remember her having this conversation with me. She scoffed at my silence and continued to stare out of the windshield as she drove.

"So wait, the Reynolds that I'm going to be working for is the Reynolds that owns the hotel?" I asked worriedly.

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