0.2 | friday night

Start from the beginning

Yoojin shook her head excitedly and smiled.

"For three days?" Suki's eyes were wide, Yoojin kept shaking her head, "you know what, good for you."

Not knowing what to do she gave her a fist bump in congrats. Yoojin chuckled from the reaction.

"Now we gotta get you laid." She teased her. Yoojin knew that Suki didn't have any intention of doing that anytime soon. But Suki was always supportive of her, even if she didn't have the same mindset.

"I'll pass, thank you very much."

"Do you have any plans for later? There's a party tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

They both started walking to their next class.

Suki was very good at hiding her emotions, you could call it a talent. No one would guess she spent the night crying over her dead brother.

She preferred to keep things to herself, no need to be a bother. Suki always had a good attitude. She couldn't let others see her weak.

"Awe dang, I cant go, I have to work on a project with my partner. But you know how much I would just love to go! Maybe next time!" She said with a whole lot of sarcasm flowing.

"I know parties aren't your thing, but I still ask to be nice."

"You are nice, feel better?" Suki told her.

Yoojin was quite the "free spirit", sometimes it was hard to keep up with her, always something going on. In a way she admired that about her.

Yoojin's hair was all dyed red with a wolf cut. It complimented her glowing, warm skin tone nicely. Her ears had too many piercings to count and her nose had one, on the right side. Her big, long lips always had gloss on them. Her style was the definition of cool, and Suki envied her for always looking so put together.

"Who's your partner for the project?" Yoojin asked.

"Hyunjin, I'm dying with him. One second he's all work mode, the next he's flirting with me."

"I would tell you to take the opportunity, but I know who I'm talking to."


"I love you too, have fun in class!" Yoojin's voice faded away as she walked past and Suki went into the room.

6 PM at the study hall

"Can't we take a break, bro?" Hyunjin whined.

"Don't bro me, and no, you can't."

"Well, you can't tell me what to do." He said in a mimicked voice.

"We're almost done."

"So? The projects not due until next Friday, how about we take this Friday to have fun." He smiled.

Shit. That smile. It always gets people.

"May I ask what you have in mind?" Suki's curiosity jumped out, but she was certain she knew the answer already.

"How about that party tonight?"

Yup, she knew.

"You really just skipped all stages of grief and went right into acceptance."


"So?" Suki squinted her eyes at him.

"People deal with crap differently, maybe this party is just what I need, you can be my distraction."

Suki was about to answer when her phone got a notification. It was from the news app.

"Give me a sec..."

She opened the notification and saw what the article was about: POLICE SUSPECT DEATH OF HIRAI AKIRA TO BE MURDER anyone with information is encouraged to tell police.

Her stomach dropped for a second before reminding herself that she's in the clear, there's no reason for the police to suspect a random high school girl, right?

"Hello, you have the Hyunjin in front of you and you're ignoring it."

"What are you expecting? A blowjob? Get over yourself, I mean that in the most concerned, friendly way." She gave a petty smile after seeing how he threw his head back and scoffed.

"A blowjob would be nice, but..."

"But?" She questioned Hyunjin as he pulled himself up.

"Let's go to that party together."

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

—I hope this chapter is starting to give you a better understanding of the people in her life

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I hope this chapter is starting to
give you a better understanding of the
people in her life. Also, Yoojin is a lesbian,
she/they, baddie, um stan Yoojin ;)
Reminder to drop a vote if you're enjoying!
Hopefully I'll see you next chapter (:

𝗰𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹; 𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘯𝘫𝘪𝘯 Where stories live. Discover now