The T.R.U.T.H. is that...

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How was I so stupid?

Years I spent with that boy, years I spent trying to teach him right from wrong - teaching him that the good always win. But how can I do that when I don't even think we stand a chance at saving Swellview, because the way things are looking we stand no hope at all.

Am I the one to blame for that? Yes. For fuck's sake, I am.

If I had told Henry the truth since the start, then maybe things would be ending different - maybe I wouldn't be now watching my former sidekick get directed onto a stage in front of hundreds of people.

He seems confused, and he looks to be whispering to someone off stage but I can't hear from so far away. But I can tell he's scared, he's off balance and stumbling over his feet as he crashes against Charlotte and Jasper, who pull him into a sharp hug. It would have been sweet, if it weren't for the mastermind behind it all staring from also the stage at them. Blake smiles sadly and wipes away a few non existing tears, as he paces back to the microphone.

'Friends reunited - families restored - that's what the T.R.U.T.H. is all about! Not money, power or domination - no, it's about making a place that people can feel safe not matter what force tries to stop you.'

I feel the people beside me clap excitedly as cheers spread through the seated audience, whatever it's worth, he's now got the people on his side. And who do we have? Other than me in disposable, by the looks of it no one.

'It's all about family - my dad started the business to help the world and now I intend to do the same! I'm here to make sure that no ...' My attention drops as he continues to speak as I overhear a similar conversation taking place beside me.

'They were labelled critical, the three of them, bless 'em - if that pill can save them then it could save anything,' a lady murmurs to her husband, teary eyed.

Another voice cuts across to my attention,

'Apparently, him and that Hart kid were such good friends, he couldn't just let him die -'

'I heard that as well!'

'According to my neighbour, it gave her her sight back!'

'Shit, that's mental - just show what can be accomplished doesn't it? That kid's a genius!'

'I can't take all the credits, of course -' I force myself to listen once again to Blake, as the young man gestures over to a shaky Henry, 'Without Henry, none of this would be possible - without him, whatever happens from now on is possible because of him. My best friend, my closest partner, a true superhero...'

He moves back as Henry takes the mic, he hands resting nervously behind his back. The blonde gulps, eyeing the audience clearly looking for a way out, but upon noticing his less than perfect situation his gaze falls.

'Um...' He begins, his voice isn't what I'm use to, not the confident tone I know but defeated, almost shallow. His eyes dart between the floor and Blake as he carries on slowly,' I... I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said -'

A slight pause.

'Blake's right - I mean, of course h - he is, a miracle is what I would call it that I just so happened to stumble across him in my stay at Dystopia. My l - life is better because of it -' He meets my eye across the audience - a woeful expression fills his face as he maintains contact. It's almost as if he sends me a silent message one of sorrow -

'Sorry,' His whispers, moving one of his hands through his hair, nervously tugging at his scalp,' but now that I can come forward - I want to come clean about s - something...'

To the side, Blake nods encouragely as he stands by the blonde's side.

'I'm Kid Danger.' The words catch me off guard as Henry chokes them out, refusing to meet my eye, his posture dipping as he is held tightly by Blake, 'And Captain Man is -'

Don't do it, kid. Don't do it. My mind whirs as I push through the audience, as shocked cries surface from the people around. 

'Ray Manchester - Captain Man is Ray Manchester.'

As if someone just stabbed me, my body goes numb - for years, I kept it secret and to hear it out loud for the first time is painful - all I want to do is vanish.

Henry falls to the ground, his head in his hands - sobbing loudly as he shakes gripping himself for comfort. Blake bends beside him, whispering inaudibly - he takes his hand, and to the audience it looks like comfort, to me it looks like manipulation.

I run forward, facing the stage and more specifically the pair.

'Stop this, Blake - stop this -' My voice comes out loud, as people who were already staring pay more attention - 'Stop this bullshit!'

'Captain Man in my audience? Normally, I would be so honoured but in recent events I'm less so,' He states standing up releasing the blonde, 'in recent events, I would say it's very unwise you show your face around here - especially not in front of him.'

I follow his gesture to Henry, confused as the audience start to boo in my direction - hackling, yelling death threats.

'And why's that?'

'Dystopia's destruction of course - you weren't here when the case was settled but proof came forward - serval eye witnesses actually,' The Brunette glares at me, before jabbing a finger in my direction, 'Including your former sidekick - you see Captain Man, a superhero is supposed to protect, not attack - and you, sir, are no superhero.'

I feel my hands get tied behind me as I begin to get drawn to the surroundings around - an officer constraints me as another aims a weapon. Cornered and trapped by the very people in which I had always protected.

'This is all lies, this isn't the truth -'

'That's where you are wrong -'

'No, NO! Henry, I promise you, I can tell you everything!' For a second, the blonde meets my eye, 'Henry, I've been trying to tell you - the T.R.U.T.H. is...' 

Henry Danger: The T.R.U.T.H. about Dystopia Vol 2Where stories live. Discover now