"L-Louis has known you longer!" Harry objected.

"He'll still always like me better!"

"Niall!" I groaned. "Stop it!"

Niall seemed to realize how upset his words were making the curly boy, and he paled, "Oops..."

Harry's ears had disappeared into his curls and he was folding in on himself in his chair, his face burrowing down into the coat and scarf he still wore, "C-can Harry j-just go back home now?"

"Whenever Louis comes to get you," I told him, drying my hands on a dishtowel so I could go sit next to him. Niall was standing awkwardly a few feet away, so I pressed a reassuring kiss to his temple and whispered to him, "Go watch the telly in our room for now, love..."

Niall scurried from the room, mumbling apologies and I sat down across the table from Harry. He glanced at me, "Can H-Harry go for a walk then?"

"I guess we could go for a walk," I nodded.

Harry shook his head, "J-just Harry."

"You can't go by yourself," I told him apologetically. "Sorry..."

"Fine," Harry sighed. "H-Harry will j-just... go watch the t-telly."

I frowned, but nodded my head as the boy got up and slunk out of the kitchen. I stared at the kitchen door for a moment before returning back to the sink to finish drying and putting away dishes. It was no surprise Harry didn't really fancy being here. For one, he and Niall were extremely jealous of the other. If they could just get over the fact that no one was going to be forgotten or treated unfairly, I was certain they'd become good friends. Then again, Harry was part cat, and he pretended to dislike everyone. Well... everyone except for Louis.

The sound of the flat door closing snapped me out of my thoughts, and I confusedly sat down the bowl I was drying. I walked into the living room, wondering who had left or entered, and then I realized that there wasn't a curly boy with kitten ears on my couch. I sucked in a large breath, sprinting back into the kitchen to see if his shoes were still under the table. They weren't. Racing back into the living room, I stumbled across the floor to reach the door, wrenching it open and stumbling out of it. I looked both directions, hoping to catch a glimpse of the younger boy. The sneaky lad had moved extremely fast, and was already out of sight. And was also completely oblivious to the outside world, I was sure. He'd need someone with him at all times until he was used to what goes on outside of the two flats, or wherever he and Niall used to be kept.

"Harry?" I called out, hoping he'd miraculously appear. But of course, the boy had disappeared, and was probably out walking like he had wanted. I slipped back into the warmth of the flat, shutting the door behind me and calling out, "Nialler!"

After a few moments, Niall entered the room, "Yeah?"

"Harry left..." I stated numbly.

"He... where'd he go?" Niall said in surprise.

"He went for a walk, I guess. I don't know where he-" I began, but my phone cut me off before I had time to continue. I pulled it out quickly, glancing at the caller I.D. Louis. This was going to be fun...

As soon as I answered, Louis was explaining, "We're just moving into a different building. The plumbing here... it's pointless to fix! So guess who's got unpaid time off for the next three days? This guy."

"Yeah?" I squeaked. "That stinks. Oh well. Time off is still good. Hey, Louis-"

"I guess it'd be good if I had 200 pounds more and could pay for my flat's rent, utilities, and still buy Harry and I groceries," Louis huffed.

Uniquely Perfect - Larry Stylinson AU Kitten!Harry (with a bit of Niam) {Book1}Where stories live. Discover now