2.|💖| A Very Cliche Story About A Love Potion

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Waring: This oneshot will contain awkward moments and a love confession. Also, as the title says above; this oneshot is very cliche considering that there are many like this out there.

Although it may be cliche I think it'd be pretty fun to read not going to lie. I mean Varian is technically an alchemist so I can definitely see him brewing up a love potion.

Plot twist: Varian never ended up using that love potion.

Singing will be in bold italics and thoughts will be in italics. Author notes will also be in bold italics.


Varian had been friends with you for as long as he could remember. Whenever the two of you would spend time together he found himself falling in love with you. Yet, he was afraid to confess his feelings towards you because he feared that you wouldn't feel the same. Let alone ruin your relationship.

So when Rapunzel had found out that he was in love. She offered to help him make some sort of love potion. Varian doubted that a 'love potion' would even work on you. He did remember Xavier telling stories of love potions once. Something about love potions being involved with magic. Varian did acknowledge the existence of magic. Though he'd rather think of magic as science.

"Are you sure about this Varian? I mean I was only offering you an idea. But I didn't think you would actually take it." Rapunzel questioned, raising an eyebrow. Varian looked up from his workspace to face Rapunzel. He could hear the concern tone in her voice.

"Of course i'm sure about this. I mean, what could possibly go wrong? It's just a 'love potion'. It's not like it's going to actually work anyways." He reassured with a smile. Rapunzel opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. "Well what if it does work? Or what if something goes wrong?"

"If my calculations are right. Which they are. The effects of the potion should last up to five hours up most." Varian explained, going over his calculations. "Well, according to my research the chemicals that are involved with love are testosterone, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin, oxytocin, and vasopressin." Now he was just rambling on scientific facts at this point. (A/N: But no, seriously, I actually looked those chemicals up and they are involved with love.)

But that didn't really answer Rapunzel's questions though. "Varian, I don't think we should tamper with love. Just confess to her."

He glanced at the flask that held the pink liquid before glancing back at Rapunzel with a rather gloomy expression. "What if she doesn't feel the same way? Love isn't as easy as you think it is, Rapunzel."

Varian did have a point there. Love is hard and confusing. But some part of Rapunzel disagreed with him.


"Hey, Y/N, could you help me put these banners up for Rap's birthday?" Cassandra asked, looking down at you from the ladder. "Yeah, sure, but where's the other ladder?" You looked at the opposite side from where Cassandra was standing.

That was right. The princess's birthday was tomorrow. Meaning that tomorrow night, the sky would be lit up with millions of lanterns to celebrate her birthday.

"Eugene!" Cassandra yelled, grabbing his attention. "What, Cassandra?"

"Could you be useful and go to the storage closest to get an extra ladder for Y/N?"

"Sure thing, Cassandra." With that, he left to grab said extra ladder from the storage closest. You had always been good friends with both Cass and Eugene. But for some reason, they never seem to get along with each other. And you always wondered seemed to wonder 'why?'

Soon enough, Eugene returned back with the ladder and placed it down for you. "Thanks, Eugene." You thanked him. You grabbed the end of the banner and helped Cassandra hang it up. Thankfully, you not Cass had to do any more decorating. So you had some free time on your hands.

You became so lost in thought as you admired the now finished decorated room that you hadn't notice Varian standing right next to you. "Hey, Y/N." Varian greeted, startling you a bit. "Varian? When did you get here?"

"Not that long ago actually. You've been working hard, huh?"

You answered him with a gentle nod of your head. Though you could notice how red his cheeks were and how he'd try to maintain eye contact with you. He looked anxious. But you were unaware of his crush on you so you had no idea.

"You and Cass did a really good job decorating for Rapunzel's birthday." He stated, rubbing the back of his neck. "Thanks." You replied, letting an awkward silence fall over the two of you. But that silence didn't last too long when Varian spoke up next.

"I- l-listen, I'm not that great when it comes to stuff like this. But... I like you. A lot. Ever since the day we met you've became an important person in my life that I never knew I needed." He confessed.

You could feel your cheeks heating up. "Varian I-" He cut you off, not letting you finish your sentence. "I was scared to tell you this because I was afraid that you wouldn't feel the same." You hugged him, not letting go. "I feel the same way."

Varian's eyes widened as he wrapped let his arms around you. His shocked expression soon softened as he gave into your warm embrace. "So does this mean that you'd go on a date with me?"

"Yes, I'd love to, Varian."


I had a lot of fun writing this. If there are any grammar mistake let me know and I'll be sure to fix them. Honestly, not bad for my first oneshot.

Over The Moon {Varian x Reader Oneshots}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang