You sure shes fine? She looks dead.

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"OH MY SHELL THATS A GIRL! AND YOU'RE HOLDING HER!" Donnie screamed In a panic.

"Calm down!" I yelled. "I'll explain later. All you need to know is she got shot in the leg and is bleeding. A LOT." I explained as I gave him a sharp look.

"Right- got it," Donnie said as he knelt next to her. "I can't do much here we'll need to bring her to the Lair. The best thing we've got is that you used your mask to hold up the bleeding,"

"T-the lair..?" I asked worried.

Donnie looked at me.
"Yes. The lair Leo. The Lair that has my lab, and the lab that has my medical equipment and first aid kit," Donnie looked at me annoyed. "Now come one you wanna help her right? Then we have to take her to the lair," He said bluntly

I looked down and picked her up.
"I guess he's right, I just don't wanna deal with Raph." I thought to myself.

*time skip to when they get to the lair*

I walked in holding the girl bridal style with my bandana wrapped tightly around her leg. To just my luck Raph was right on the couch. Raph looked at me and then saw the girl I was holding while I walked with Donnie to his lab.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!" Raph bounced on his feet. "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?!" Raph ranted.

"Calm down Raph," I snarled. I walked into Donnies Lab.

"How long will this take?" I asked impatiently as Donnie laid her on a chair.

"Calm down, around 30 minutes," Donnie assured.

Mikey walked in sneakily and stoped in his tracks.
"Oh! Donnie you're back from patrol... I'll just go," mike sheepishly walked out and then stoped. "IS THAT A GIRL?!" Mikey yelled.  "What's she doing here and is your mask on her leg?!" Mikey asked confused.

"Yea LEO," Raph looked at me with a cold stare. "What IS she doing here?" Raph asked not taking his eyes off me.

"Okay Leo you said you would explain later. Time to explain what happened," Donnie exclaimed.

I took a deep breath and began to explain.
"I was patrolling when I saw purple dragons near a museum I was about to call you guys when I heard a gun shot and a scream. So, I went inside beat the bad guys up but then... I saw she had a gun shot in her leg. I heard police sirens, and I picked her up and got out of the museum.

Raph gave me a death look.


I looked down at the ground.

"Hm?" Raph nagged me.


"Oh noooo our 'great' leader panicked and made a stupid decision. Shocker," Raph said sarcastically as he walked out.

I took a deep breath.

"Sooooo..." Mikey leaned on me. "Is she your girl friend.?" Mikey said teased.

"She is not my girlfriend Mikey," I mumbled annoyed.

"Guys!" Donnie yelled, "She's waking up."

Your POV:

"You positive she's fine? She looks dead," a voice questioned.

"Mikey!" Someone yelled.

I slowly opened my eyes. I felt attacked by a bright light; blurring my vision. Once my eyes focused I noticed something. I wasn't in the museum.
I sat up quickly in a panic as a sharp pain shot through my body.
"Ack!" I groaned in pain clenching my leg. 
I clutched over so fast I didn't notice the other beings in the room.

"Here let me help you," Someone offered.

I look up and I see 3... giant turtles. I looked at all of them blankly for a long silence.
"I'm dead." I looked to the ground then back up. "I'm actually dead."
The 3 turtles looked at each other until one spoke up.

"Hi! I'm Mikey!" One took out his hand for me to shake.

. . .

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I screeched.

"GAHHHHHHHHH!" They all screeched back.

I tried to run out only to fail once I reached the exit of the door. I fell back, but instead of a painful crash-I was being held up by strong arms. I looked behind me and one of the turtles were holding me.

"Gotcha," he helped me get to a couch. "You shouldn't be running with your leg you know."

I looked down at my keg to see that it was treated and wrapped up. 
I looked back up at him.
That's when I noticed;
"Your eyes," I muttered in awe.

He looked at me confused.

"You're the one with the beautiful eyes!" I exclaimed excitedly. " You're the one... with the beautiful eyes... you saved me..." I looked at him. " Why.?"

Before he could answer me he was interrupted by the other turtles laughing but this time there was one more.

"You're the owner with the beautiful eyes! BAHAHAAHAHAAH!!!" One wearing a red mask howled.

Another one was on the ground rolling from laughter as the turtle I was talking to stormed out as his face became a Tomato.

" What are you embarrassed 'Beautiful eyes'?!" The one in orange laughed.

The purple one came up to me.

"I'm sorry about my brothers," he apologized to me. " I'm Donatello but you can call me Donnie. The one rolling on the ground like an idiot- is Michelangelo but he likes to be called Mikey. The red one is Raphael, and-"   

Mikey cut him off.

"Mr Beautiful eyes is Leonardo," Mikey nagged as he wiped away a tear. "Do you like Pizza?" Mikey excitedly exclaimed.

" Of course! It's one of my favorite foods!" I chuckled nervously.

"No. Way. Gosh the world is so small," Mikey said before dragging me off to the kitchen.

Mikey  brought out an old pizza box from the freezer.

"So, does Beautiful eyes mystery girl have a name?" Raph asked jokingly.

"Y/n. My names Y/n."

Everyone Needs A Hero.... Even You.    A reader x Leonardo Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang