'Did you give them boners on purpose?' He asked, looking ticked. With a hooded gaze and his tongue trying to poke through his dimple from the inside I froze for a moment.

'No more on purpose than the one they gave me.' I reply as sassily as I can muster. My focus on Namjoon means that I see the interest in his eyes as one eyebrow rises. My heartbeat in my ears and the blush racing across my face at my admittance is obvious. I expect him to lean forward, whether to threaten or be suggestive I can't figure, but instead he leans back into the corner, relaxing into the side of the vehicle.

The knock on the side of the vehicle from one of the guards signaling it was safe to leave breaks the tension. As everyone piles out Namjoon mutters just in my hearing range 'we'll talk more about this upstairs.'


I think we are in Tokyo, but I've never been here, so I probably couldn't tell you the difference between here and Hong Kong. To my inexperienced self they are just massively populated, bright, tall cities with water views of the Pacific Ocean. Wait, is Hong Kong in the pacific or the Indian Ocean... I've never been sure of the topography here. I make a mental note to fix that error.

Looking out the window wall of the suite we are in the usually boisterous guys are suspiciously quiet as they find a bed, a shower, or order food. I've set my stuff in a room this time, bunking with Hoseok. Our bathroom is our own, but I get the feeling that no one wants to use Jungkook and Jimin's shower tonight, so we will probably have to share ours with one of the others.

I'm not sure if Namjoon doesn't trust them, or me. It's not as if I asked to be here. I won't deny it's been fun, a roller coaster ride of thrills and chills. But there's been just as much stress for me. I wonder if that is part of his consideration when assigning rooms tonight.

I am so lost in thought that I don't even see the reflection of someone coming up behind me, pulling me into a hug from behind. After a quick startle I see Taehyung grinning at my reflection as he wraps himself around me, resting his head on top of mine. 'Day is almost done.' He murmurs lowly. I nod, steadying my breathing.

A knock on the door and we separate to go get food. The room is filled with scents of spices, rice, and steamed vegetables. Soft bread-like wraps are available to make food more hand-friendly, and after everyone gets their fill Taehyung and I clean up while everyone slips away to their rooms for a solid night rest before the concert tomorrow.


It's only when I get to my room for the night that I realize that things have changed. Instead of Hoseok sharing a room with me it's Namjoon instead. Raising an eyebrow at this I silently walk past him to collect my night things and head for the bathroom to shower and change.

'Do you need help?' He asks quietly, making my feet still as I approach the door.

Looking over my shoulder I cock an eyebrow at him. 'With...?'

'Your boner.' He grins wickedly. The dimples in his cheeks create shadows, making him look even more devilish than I expected. 

'I don't have the equipment necessary to do it myself, so I guess I can just go without.' I shrug.

'Equipment?' He smiles deeper.

'I'm not a guy. My actual "equipment" is internal, not external, so easy access is not really a thing.' I shrug. I pause, and decide that this conversation deserves my full attention, so I turn and lean against the door frame of the bathroom. 'The equipment I would need to fix my boner is not something that was ordered or packed, and I am most definitely not asking one of the noonas for theirs. It's too personal a thing. So I can go without.' I shrug at this point. 'It's not like I haven't before.'

'You've gone without before?' He asks seriously. He seems to be taking the conversation more maturely than before. 

'Well, yeah. You probably figured out masturbating pretty quickly after puberty. Most girls don't even get exposed to the idea until sex ed, and even then it's likely that an orgasm doesn't happen until they start using toys. And buying toys is traumatic enough for the uninitiated that I can confidently guess that most girls don't even orgasm until they are close to 18 years of age, maybe later.' He seems shocked at my guess. 'It's not as easy for girls to explore their sexuality as it is for boys. You get videos, magazines, lotions handed to you by friends, older brothers, heck dads or uncles. We girls get "keep your knees together, save yourself for marriage, don't give away the milk for free" and all the other crap.'

Namjoon nods, thinking hard on this. I turn to go into the bathroom when his voice grabs my attention again. 'But you don't have to go without. We are here.' His voice lowers 'I am here.'

I take a deep breath, hold it, and slowly let it out.

'Besides the guys finding a reaction they didn't expect today on the plane the only real sexual interaction was because it was absolutely necessary.' He nods, eyes locked on mine. 'My needs are not why I am here. It's because of whatever this soul bond is doing to you guys.' 

He shakes his head at my statement. 'You are being affected too.' I start to shake my head in response when he strides towards me, taking my shoulders in his hands. 'Seriously. You are being affected as well. Maybe not in the same way the rest of us are, but it has changed your life. You are no longer in your safe space, living the life you made for yourself.' I tear up a bit at this, but still listen. 'Your life has changed because of this, because of us. And, just as you want what's best for us, we want what's best for you.' He takes a deep breath, then leans over and places his lips on mine.

Time stands still again. Our breathing becomes ragged just from the touch of our lips. My eyes close and the rumble in his chest is the most musical sound I have ever heard. His hands move to envelop my face, my whole head. My hands go limp, my stuff scattering on the rug. Suddenly my hands are at his collar, out tongues tangled, and I am on my tippy toes, trying to become taller for him.

A gasp for air and we separate, pulling our shirts off in sync. I reach behind me to unclasp my bra and his eyes are drawn like lodestones to my chest. 

For a long moment we just stand there, unmoving and just looking. Without any noise he suddenly lifts me up and spins back to the bed, almost tossing me on to it, the springs squeaking.

'Remember that water amplifies sound sweetheart.' Namjoon murmurs in my ear as he hovers over me, not allowing himself to touch me just yet. 'I figured this might be the safer option... if you can keep quiet. You can keep quiet, right sweetheart?' His suggestive uptick of an eyebrow has me nodding violently. Smiling he murmurs 'Good girl' and moves to help me finish getting undressed.

'Now I seem to remember you saying that you've only squirted for Jimin's voice. Let's see if I can change that.' He rumbles from the end of the bed. With my clothes completely off me I can feel my flush all over, the ache that had subsided roaring back to life as Namjoon spreads my legs, crawling up between them. 

I whimper. 'Oh, I'm going to cum.'

He smiles, and dives in, nose first.

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