beach trip

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(K) how are you feeling today?

(H) better than I was a few days ago with the food poisoning

(K) well the food you ate is something we will not be serving at our wedding but the last step on our wedding list is the guest list

(H) well we know the host club would be coming so that's already five people from the list plus aari and kasanoda

(K) those two didn't join club but kasanoda stayed as a guest and your friend aari is in karoezawa

(H) he will come to the wedding

(K) well the date is already set for the wedding since we are doing it in the spring time

(H) but we do have a break from all the wedding planning because we have a beach hangout with our group of friends

(K) the same beach we went to during highschool?

(H) yes that one

(K) well I guess I'll pack my suit

(H) and a few extra clothes because we are staying the weekend there

(K) alright are you already packed?

(H) yes I packed last night because hikaru was texting me about everything tamiki planned so I got ready before telling you about it

(K) so that's why you were up late last night after I went to bed because I woke up at one point and heard you up

(H) well he expects us to be there around noon or nine in the morning

(K) nine is in two hours

(H) but it does take an hour to get there

(K) make sure before going swimming to take off your engagement ring

(H) I will I don't want to risk losing it

(K) atleast we didn't choose a beach themed wedding

(H) well our wedding is in a month

(K) oh right we are in march already since we celebrated your birthday on February 4th

(H) yeah by the time of the wedding is when spring break usually starts during school

(K) well it is spring break for our online college classes

(H) that's true

(K) well I'm all packed so let's place the bags in the car and will go to that beach house

(H) alright

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