Check who your dealing with

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As I continue to walk down the station with Crabbe and Goyal following me like lost puppies, my eyes started to wander the area. As I was scanning the station for anything interesting, I saw a pair of dark black eyes that quickly connected with mine. She had an intense but innocent stare which only turned me on even more. I took this as a challenge and worked my magic on her. I could tell after a good minute she was trying to pull away from our moment, but obvious trouble along the way. I blinked and I guess she took that as a sign and made her move. Smart girl.

She was talking to Potter which only enraged me more. I could tell they already had some sort of friendship going on. She was new here so every boy within the station was drooling and whispering like dogs. I couldn't blame them. I would have spotted a body like that a mile away and claim it. A few moments passed and she started to point at me. Still, no eye contact tho and followed with Potter's glare. I passed him a sinister smile and a wink before he turned back. After a few moments, I saw her grow tight again. She glared at me this time taking her eyes off me with ease. What the fuck did potter just tell her?


The four of us moved to the train and got on. My owl and bags flew to their own space and tucked themselves away.

"Don't you have a cage for your pet?" The girl started.

"Nope. Don't need one. I assure you he is well trained."

My owl let out a squeal in agreement.

"But if it means so much to this school, I shall get one later."

Really I was just going to use this as an valid excuse to leave and explore the area more. The ginger and the girl started a conversation which was quickly continued by the chosen one. I wasn't listening at first, but then the words "Death eater" and "Draco" fought for my full attention. I decided to pretend to doze off. Ginger questioned why they were discussing this in front of me, but the brown-haired girl reassured him that I was probably asleep.

They thought that Draco was a death eater. Figures. Well actually chosen One thought that Draco was a death eater. Brown-haired girl tried to persuade him otherwise and I guess Ginger was in the middle.

The conversation they were having reminded me of me getting my dark mark. I remember overhearing my parents talking about when I should get it. When I asked what they were talking about, they just told me straight and laid everything flat out on the table. There was no pity or worry. I took that as a sign and still from that day on, I always thought that the dark mark was just something every person from my family had to go through and it was probably no big deal. I obviously haven't got my mark yet, but I'm sure it will happen soon. It was weird how the chosen one and his friends knew.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Remembering that I should have been daydreaming and not eavesdropping, I acted all startled.

"Hey, are you ok?" Chosen One spook.

"What? Oh yea, um, I'm going to use the bathroom." I panicked.

"Oh, ok."

I opened the compartment door and closed it carefully. I walked towards the back of the train where the restroom was and began to step into the room. Then I felt a cold presence behind me. I slowly turned around while reaching for my wand and finding myself pointing it at the blonde. Malfoy.


I felt her brush past me, probably on her way to use the loo. I don't know why, but I subconsciously got up and followed her. I could hear my friends faint calls, but I ignored them.

They are only using us. /Draco Malfoy/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat