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Lena Pov

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Lena Pov.

"Lena gets your lazy ass up and go get me my milk, I need it." My mother screams at me.

"Mama, please it's so dark outside and I'm afraid I might get kidnapped," I whine only because I don't want to move away from the tv.

She rolls her eyes "nobody wants to take yo ass now stop talking like that and hurry up, the corner store is right around the house."

I huff and deliberately drag my body from the bed.

My bed is so soft, so comfortable.

This feels like waking up every morning for school.

Tired or lazy ass fuck and grumpy.

"I'm about to go out there for that milk and I ain't coming back, just like my dad," I mumble the last part under my breath.

My mother walks out of the room grabbing my shoes.

"Hurry, go I need to make my cornbread."

I roll my eyes and put my shoes on, walking out the door I feel the cool breeze against my skin, even though I live in Florida I still get some breezy nights, and I'm glad because I will be burning the fuck up out here.

I quickly ran down the street because I'm not about to be kidnapped today.

I don't know if my mother saw the news but there were multiple missing cases of girls getting kidnapped and I am not about to be the next victim.

I wish a bish would touch one hair on my body it's going to be a problem.

I walk inside the store and look for the milk that she wanted, walking to the cashier I saw that they had a feared look on their face but I didn't ask what was wrong.

I put the milk on the counter and see the total for the milk carton was 80 dollars. 

"What the hell is this, I am not about to pay eighty dollars for one carton of milk, you Trippin."

The cashier begins to tremble

"Ei-eighty dollars it says it right here."

I look at them like they grew two heads.

The cashier grabs the milk with shakey hands and puts it in a bag.


I look at his name tag.

"John, I'm not about to pay for that so bye."

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