Chapter 1 - Tv Appearances

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[Chapter 1]

As she sat there in the library at Oxford University studying she couldn't concentrate she had the big pub quiz tonight against the raining championsand she wanted to win this time, Lavender was competitive

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As she sat there in the library at Oxford University studying she couldn't concentrate she had the big pub quiz tonight against the raining champions
and she wanted to win this time, Lavender was competitive. She closed her laptop and books and placed them in her bag before heading out of the library. As she was heading out she got a text from Madeline her best friend they had known each other since they were kids and were on the same course together at the university. "Hey, you ready for tonight, "Madeleine's text said "yeah we're going to beat those guys" she replied.

She decided to head back to her dorm on campus she had to cut through the science department to get to there as she did her eyes moved a different direction as the neurobiology department was heading inside she didn't recognise one of them he had long brown Curley hair and an Irish accent she looked for a few seconds before continuing to walk she could have sworn she had seen him somewhere before. As she arrived back she opened the door and placed her bag on her desk and laid down on her bed for a second. Before pulling out her phone from her pocket and began to text Madeline "hey have you seen one of the scientists from neurobiology department somewhere before I swear I have" her text said and it didn't take long to get a reply. "Yeah have you not seen him on tv" Madeline replied "no" Lavender replied "hold on I will send you a link" Madeline replied and within a few seconds she sent Lavender she clicked on it to show a clip from ITV's The Chase her pub quiz group would often watch the show to learn new facts and figures to help in their research.

She watched the video and realised it was him how did she not realise "it's him how did I not realise" she texted to Madeline "yeah I've seen him a few times before he's on a couple of quiz teams in Oxford wish we were facing him tonight would be fun" Madeline texted "gotta go see you tonight" Madeline texted before Lavender put her phone down and jumped up from her bed she had a few hours to spare so she had a shower and headed out to the campus cafe to get some lunch. As she revised for the pub quiz but kept getting distracted by Darragh and how she didn't know such a good quizzer was working not even 5 mins away from her. She eventually lost track of mine and realised the need to be at the pub quiz in 10 mins she ran out of the cafe and headed to her bike and began to bike to the pub as quickly as she could when she saw him again he caught her attention and their eyes looked into each other for a second before she continues to bike she couldn't be late or she would never hear the end of it.

When she arrived she was out of breath but she was on time so she locked up her bike and headed inside trying to find her group when Madeleine ran over grabbing her hand and pulling her along with her "I thought you were going to be late" Madeleine said as they got to the table and sat down with the rest of the group. "When am I ever late," Lavender said as she took off her jacket. And the quiz began to start as time went on they were neck and neck with there rivals there was one question left and no one on her team knew the answer and by the looks of things neither did the other team. The question was How many languages has Harry Potter been translated into? And she knew the answer because as a kid her mum read her the books in at least 6 different languages so that she could be bilingual.

"Its 80" she whispered to her teammates. "You sure," Toby said "positive," Lavender said so they wrote down the answer. As the sheets were handed in and the points answered both teams sat there nervously waiting for the answers "and the winning team by one point is Literature let die" as the host finished her team jumped up and down with excitement they had finally beaten there rivals thanks to Lavender "I'm guessing drinks are on you then Lavender" Toby said as they all headed to the bar. As they all sat down at the bar Toby said "you should totally go on the Chase Lav you answered all those questions correctly and beat those assholes" "you really think I'm good enough to go on there"
Lavender said sounding shocked. "Yeah let's apply now" Toby said as everyone gathered around them as Toby filled in the application form for her as she was too nervous. "And that's done we will have to see if we get a reply" Toby said as he tapped her on the shoulder before turning around to order more drinks.
End Of Chapter 1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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Lavender - Darragh Ennis Where stories live. Discover now