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"Some believe that we were made for each other"

Lavender Taylor had always been told that she had knowledge beyond her time since she was child she could remember dates, times and other things went to oxford university and studied literature because she wanted to become an English lecturer

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Lavender Taylor had always been told that she had knowledge beyond her time since she was child she could remember dates, times and other things went to oxford university and studied literature because she wanted to become an English lecturer.

She was part of a small quiz team in her local area called the literature let die a name she hated what happens when her best friend signs her up for the tv quiz show the chase and the chaser for the episode Darragh Ennis the chaser who was a former contestant.

After she wins against him by herself Darragh after he takes out her team mates after the show ends he finds her and gives her his number and they become friends but after Lavender is in a car accident and near death will Darragh realise that he has feelings for her which is hard as he's recently divorced and thinks it will be hard to find love again.

Lavender - Darragh Ennis Where stories live. Discover now