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We wait in silence, for we all know what news is to come. My father, lord Edmund Howard,  walks in. He looks more frustrated then sad. I know he would want this all to be ever as soon as possible. He takes a deep breath and begins to talk. " Your mother will not recover." That's all he said. He walked out the door en leaves us alone to process what he just said.

"My lady," A servant comes walkes up to me and starts talking. "Your father would like to speak to you." I suddenly feel very stressed out. The only time he wants to talk to us is to yell at us. I walk past my siblings to his office. I knock on his door. "Come in." I walk in. At first we stare in silence. Then he begins to talk. "Katherine, you are a young and very beautifull lady. I have to admit that I cannot take care of every single one of your siblings anymore. Not with your mother's sickness. My stepmother, the Dowarger Duchess of Norfolk, will take great care of you and shall complete your education."
Wait, What??
"But father, I have never met the Duchess of Norfolk. You can't just send my off to her!"
"I promise you shall love it there. She runs an all woman boarding school."

I did not love it there.

All I didn't wanna doKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat