Chapter 8: Blossomed love

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Days, weeks, months passed after you started living with the creepypastas. You felt like home and you never wanted to leave this place. You never felt more happier in your life. Slender treated you like his princess and that's all you ever wanted. He made you feel special and so loved. And you never even thought of leaving him anymore like you used to before. You two started having much stronge feelings for each other and you couldn't hide that you loved him. In front of the other creepypastas you tried your best to act normal around him, but everytime you looked at him, you would blush and smile like crazy and they noticed that you had a thing for him. You remember how they were teasing you especially Jeff.

He stopped being an asshole to you like he was in the start and you started hanging out with him as well. You seemed to get along with him as well and you were happy that he changed his mind about you. At times you felt like he was always gonna treat you like that, but Slender was right after all. He warmed up to you, showing you a different side of him which of course you liked.

You and Slender officially became a couple despite him being different you still loved and cared for him. People would call you crazy for loving someone like him, but you didn't care at all. What mattered to you is that you're happy with him and nothing could ever replace that. He was your king and you were his queen. He's the one... definitely.


"What the hell, Y/N?! Are you serious? I... i can't believe that." Jessica raised her voice, folding her arms as she stood there in pure disbelief.

"You've been gone for so long!! God, i was worried sick!! And you're telling me you've been with HIM all this fucking time?!" She sighed in anger. "Unbelievable..." she added, rolling her eyes.

"'I know that and i'm really sorry, Jessica... i couldn't bring myself to tell you... i.. i didn't want him to hurt you.." you let out a heavy sigh, hoping that Jessica would understand and just relax.

"Do you realize that you're with a monster? He's no different from the others why the fuck would you even love him?? Have you lost your mind, Y/N?! You know he's just using you... he can't possibly love you. His heart is cold." She said with annoyance in her tone as you glared at her.

Those words ringed in your mind, giving her an intense stare. "He can't possibly love you... he's just using you." Those words screamed inside your mind, making you breathe heavily.

"N-no... no, you're wrong. He does love me. You don't know him, how dare you talk about him like that?" You snapped, raising your voice as you felt your body slowly tense up.

"As if i need to know. Get your shit together and leave all your fantasies there, Y/N. You know... it's NOT a good place." She whispered as she walked away like that, leaving you on your own.

You growled and slowly sat down on the could ground, leaning your back towards a tree. You scoffed, trying to process all the things she said to you. It felt like being stabbed in the heart. You didn't expect this kind of a reaction, you thought she'd be more supporting... but those words wouldn't leave you alone. You knew he loved you, there's no fucking doubt about it...

"Why can't people just accept him the way he is? It's frustrating and getting the same old fucking reactions from them is annoying the HELL out of me... jesus christ." You hissed, kicking a stone at the process as a sigh left your lips.

He might be scary to people, but you saw a completely different side of him. A side you'd never thought he will ever show to anyone. But you lucky enough to find out and see for yourself. You really hated it when people talked like that.


You cleared your thoughts after all that happened, turning down the door knob, stepping inside the mansion.
"Guys i'm home!" You shouted, making your way to the kitchen, seeing Slender drink another hot coffee.

"Oh, you're back! What took you so long?" He asked, staring down at you.

"Uh.. am i late? I don't even know what time is it." You said nervously.

"5:35 pm..." he placed the newspapers down.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem a bit off."

You chuckled and nodded. "Nah, i'm fine." You brushed it off, deciding not to tell him, but he already knew anyways.

Slender scoffed "mm-mm... whatever you say."

"It's nothing important. Anyways i'm really starving. What do you have?" You asked, staring back at him.

"A lot of things, check the fridge." He smiled as he watched you open the fridge. You were having a hard time of what to choose out of all the food inside.

"That's... a lot of food there. I think, i'll just eat soup." You chuckled, taking it out of the fridge and heated it up in the microwave.

You glanced at him for a brief moment and he noticed you staring ar him.

"Y/N, are you sure everything is okay?" Slender questioned you again.

You sighed, looking away from him as you took out the soup and placed it on the table, taking your seat next to him.

"Everything is perfect you shouldn't worry." Your lips formed another smile as you started eating your soup slowly so you wouldn't choke on it.

"Fine... i'll pretend i trust you on that. But if something bothers you, you can always talk to me. I'm here to listen, okay?" Slender spoke to you gently as you just nodded your head in return.

Honestly Jessica's words did hurt you a lot, but you really weren't in the best mood to share your concern about it with Slender. It would upset him and the last thing you wanted to happen was to see him upset or angered.

"Hey, Slender i was wondering um.. if we could go out on a date tomorrow?" You hesitantly asked as you stared down at your soup, not looking at him.

"Sure, Y/N. I'd take you out anywhere you desire." He purred in delight, causing your cheeks to flush red in color.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!" You said in excitement as you placed a kiss on his cheek, making him chuckle.


At the end of the day you knew he loved you and that was all that mattered to you. You decided not to overthink what Jessica said and you wanted just to enjoy your life with slender and the other pastas as well. You shouldn't care if people thought you were insane or something. How you felt around them mattered much more to you.

// i'm sorry if this one sucked, i'm trying my best :< ♡

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