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Walking into school the next day was... interesting. Julie had her earphones in the entire walk there, quietly singing lyrics to a song i haven't heard before. When we make it to our lockers, right next to each other, she is snapped out of her daze by a band member asking for his sticks back. I look over at Julie confused, when did she get those? She mirrors my expression and hands them over to the guy. I look over at her and chuckle, she's in a good mood.

'Hey, what's up?' Julie says, looking over at Flynn as she approaches us.

'Nothing, it's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self.'

'PREACH!' I yell causing some stares. We all laugh collectively.

'So I see you're getting more confident in talking.' Flynn says.

'Yeah, but i'm not ready to have conversation with anyone else yet, too much is going on.'

'Hey,' Julie places a hand on my shoulder, 'take your time.' I smile in return.

'So, how's the band? Still hot? Still talented?... Still dead?' I chuckle at Flynns rapid fire questions and continue loading textbooks into my locker.

'Amazing. Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs.'

'Uhh, excuse me? I was there too.'

'Delly all you did was complain about not having any 'biscuits for your tea' which is weird enough.'

'Not your kind of biscuits, cookies!'

'Ohhhh.' I just shake my head at her. How many times do I have to explain it?

'Anyways, Luke and I wrote some amazing songs,'

'*cough cough*'

'Luke, Delta and I wrote some amazing songs, come on. You wanna hear some of them?'

'Duh! You coming Delly?'

'Sorry, I can't, gotta head to the English classroom to speak to Ms Barley, she'll want to know i'm talking again.'

'No problem, see you in music!' 

I wave as I head to my english classroom.

When i first moved here, before i met Julie and Flynn, i knew no body. Ms Barley was the first teacher in the school to understand what was going on in my life and didn't treat me differently, which i appreciated. Made me feel a bit less of a freak. Whenever i had a problem, and Julie and Flynn weren't available, i always went to Ms Barley. She was so kind and patient with me in waiting for me to write down what i need to say, she even went as far as learning a bit of sign language to help communicate with me. Without Ms Barley I don't know what i'd do. She was the teacher that told all other members of staff my situation when they didn't bother listening to me, and she always knew how to comfort me. She was more of a motherly figure than my own mum was.

I had a free first period on a Thursday, and I also knew Ms Barley did as well, because this was the time I usually went to her. She was kind of like a therapist, but free.

I gave the door to classroom 16 three firm knocks, then twisted the brass handle clockwise when i heard a soft, 'come in.'

'Oh hello Delta! I have't seen you in a while, how are you?' Here we go, you can trust her Delly.

'I'm good thank you.' I said, almost a whisper. I heard Ms Barley gasp and let my eyes travel from the floor up to her own eyes, a wide grin spread across my face.

'Oh. My. Gosh!' Next thing i knew, i was embraced in a very comforting hug.

'When did you start speaking, honey? And let me just say, your voice is lovely and I never imagined for it to come out as British!?'

I chuckled at her reaction. I spend the next hour of my free period catching her up on everything that's happened the last few day, leaving out the part about the ghost boys obviously. She laughed, smiled, and scowled at the right times (when I mentioned my mum). Eventually I had to leave though, as I had Music next and Ms Barley had a lesson to teach. I said goodbye to her and left the classroom, taking my time to walk throughout the school on my way to the music room.


'Like it was flowing through me like when I used to write with Mom. So, this is the first song Luke and I wrote, with a little bit of Delly's help. Heres a bit of the chorus,

'cause we're standing on the edge of great



'Wow! I like it! Definite Gaga vibes.'

'Thanks! I think we have an anthem with this one. It's something my mom and I were working on. Luke and Delly helped me finish it, surprisingly, Delly was the most helpful,

And it's one, two, three, four times

That i've tried for one more night

Light a fire in my eyes

I'm going out of my mind.'

'That's... That's beautiful. And my girl's got a crush, and his name is Luke.'

'What? No. Luke's a ghost.'

'A cute ghost.'

'With a perfect smile.'

'Ha! I knew it! Just remember he's made of air.'

'Cute air.'

'Just don't get hurt, OK?'

'I'll be fine, I think he likes Delly anyways...'

'What? Really?'

'Yeah, when we were writing, and she was singing all he could look at was her.'

'Awww, i'm sorry Julie.'

'It's fine, I don't like him that much, i just think he's cute, but you know who's cuter? Nick.'

'Anyways... everybody is wondering when you'll play agin.'

'Play again? We don't even have anything planned. Luke, Delly and I have just been focused on writing songs.'

'Lucky for you, your marketing team has been way ahead of you.'

'I don't have a marketing team.'

Flynn pulls out a flyer from her bag, which was pink with a guitar on it. In bold writing it had written, "Julie, Delta and their Hologram Band",oh god.

'Yes, you do! And surprise, you're playing the school dance tonight, and i'm DJ-ing too. I posted it all over social media. You have an excellent marketing team.'

'No. No. This is in front of the whole school.'

'Sorry, you already have 68 likes.' She says after checking her phone, then starts leaving the music room.

'Ugh, wait!' I chase after Flynn, god this is nerve racking.

WORDS: 1006


I frikin' love you guys oml.

The Silent Girl - Luke PattersonWhere stories live. Discover now