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Without thinking, i stormed my way back to my front door. Ignoring the calls of Luke slowly disappearing until i slam the front door closed behind me. So many thoughts were running through my mind at the same time it made me want to scream. I just sang, then I spoke. This was all too much for me to handle at once. I turned my back to the door and slid down it until I reached the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my arms against them

I wanted to cry. But i couldn't. I just stared blankly at the staircase in front of me. All the thoughts that were once filling my head disappeared. I felt completely numb. 

My ears started ringing, drowning out any noise around me, which included my mother making her way down the stairs. I didn't notice her at first, only when she crouched down in front of me and placed a hand over mine. I looked up into her eyes and saw her lips moving, clearly she was talking but i couldn't hear anything. 

I slowly stood up from the floor, which was a mistake. As soon as i straightened up i collapsed into my mothers arms. I surprised her at first but soon she held me up. For some reason now all i wanted to do was cry, all i could do was cry as i quickly soaked my mothers dressing gown with salty tears. I started falling to the floor, bringing my mother down with me, into an awkward kind of sitting position, leaning mostly on my mother for support. I still couldn't hear anything but i could tell i was screaming. I couldn't tell what though, whether it was words or just screaming i don't know, but either way it made my throat sore, but i didn't care.


I watched as Delta ran all the way back to her front door. I tried calling after her but it was no use, she stumbled inside and slammed the door behind her.

I looked over at Alex and Reggie before poofing into her house, wanting to see if she was alright, but what i saw was definitely the opposite.

When i poofed in, i was in the hallway, with the staircase to my left and kitchen to my right. At first i didn't hear anything, until a voice sounded from the staircase above me.

'Delly? Is that you- oh god Delly, are you alright?' A woman i assumed was Deltas mother, ran down the stairs towards the front door. When i turned around, i saw Delta sitting with her back against the door, with an emotionless expression on her face.

'Delta. Delta whats wrong?' Her mother tried talking to her, getting her attention in any way. Delta didn't respond until her mother placed a hand onto hers, snapping her out of some sort of trance.

I watched with wide eyes as Delta made her way to stand up, using the door handle to help push her body into a standing position, only for her to collapse again, but this time into her mothers arms. 

I went to help her, try something, anything when i felt two hands hold me back. I looked over my shoulder at Alex. What is with this guy and stopping me from hugging girls?

'What the hell Alex? She needs help!' I tried to reason with him while simultaneously trying to free my shoulder from his grip.

'Yeah, she does, just not from you.' I let out an exasperated sigh as i look to Reggie for help.

'I'm sorry dude, but i agree with Alex on this one.'

I opened my mouth the reply but was cut off by a scream erupting from Deltas throat. It wasn't the kind of scream that made you want to cover your ears due to the high pitch and volume of it, similar to the one Julie made last night, but it was the type of scream you wanted to cover your ears to avoid hearing because it was so heart breaking.

I looked over at Deltas fragile state. Tear stained cheeks, swollen, red eyes, limp body. My heart was breaking to see her like this. 

At first, i thought she was just screaming out of pain, emotional pain, but it wasn't until i heard what she was saying that my heart shattered.


WORDS: 725

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